Shout by Reiko LJ

Bit too close to home for me given I've had more than one relationship end due to the other person realising how much they wanted children one day and me not being interested in that life. Really powerful hit to change the music at the end like that too.

I really just want the best for everyone!

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theyre just too different to work im sorry, ive mentioned this few times how upsetting lister is, how she tends to do things her way not caring what anyone thinks or feel, even her own wife. making things worst for both of them when walker is not like lister who could care less about what others thought and how she has not been fully telling the truth about her past, which is fair if she wants it hidden but Walker is her wife, its been shown over and over its so upsetting I've started to lost interest and just wanted this to end already.

as for walker, it is also great annoyance of her stands within lots of things but still understandable considering her conditions, but most of the times she wasn't even given options by lister, its often lister who acted solely not asking any consent from walker to talk to her own (walker) family then after walker received the news lister then puts the blame on her family. such a great manipulator.

this relationship is starting to get awry

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Shout by Nyx

Much less upset than expected considering the friction from last episode.

I'm pissed off for and by Anne. Sure, she's goal oriented and (mostly) single minded in her endeavours, and we know she's had more experience than her wife, but Ann should still be allowed to feel her feelings... ultimatums are not the way, ESPECIALLY when Anne has been far less transparent about her own feelings and recent excursion. Now she knows that Mariana is responsible for the wedding announcements... how hypocritical!

I'm rooting for the Ann(e)s to last (yes, yes... drama, yes) but at this point I'm leaning toward team Ann, she's been through the ringer and that woman just needs a break.

Also, kudos to the creators finally giving us a commode scene that lends further realism to the era.

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