Oh wow that immediate regret on Anne's face when she slept with Mariana.
I do love seeing Anne empowered in a business setting. She's been such an inspiration for me while progressing my career in a male dominated industry.

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I feel sorry for Mariana and the situation with her husband, but she's also an awful person that Anne should stay far away from for her own health.
I'm disappointed in the writers for going there, but I don't blame Anne. She did say no countless times, and Mariana basically forced her, if not physically, then psychologically.

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Well, that last scene was foreboding, now that Anne will come under more scrutiny by the larger powers that be.

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Captain Lister driving his coach at top speed around ALL the bends would be an adequate analogy for this season. So much dyspeptic DRAMA!!

Also, I hope Marian never changes! She's a riot and she has no idea. LOL!

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I’m not sure I like the way the series is progressing :(

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