While brief seconds were mildly amusing, and I acknowledge they tried to do something different here, I have to agree this was extremely odd and didn't land or water at all.

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I don't understand how something like this gets approved or even released in the end.

Are we being pranked somehow?

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I don't normally rank individual episodes nor review them, but dear god was this episode awful. It's so terrible it inspired me to actually go to the effort.

I was thinking this season has a lot of the taste of modern Simpsons to it, but dear god this episode has plumbed new depths in bad that not even The Simpsons can reach. How did it ever get released?

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When i see episodes with lot of negative comments i usually think that people are overreacting and they are really not that bad.
Its usually the case but... but holy shit, it was really that bad.

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What the hell is this garbage?

Just cancel this show, again. This season is the first one that actually justifies cancellation.

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I've fallen asleep 3 times watching this episode...wtf

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Wow, that was incredibly .... boring ? Stupid ? A waste of time ? All of it ?

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Seriously, what the heck did I just watch?
I'm not sure who thought any of this was a good idea but it will probably go down as the worst episode of the entire series? Just, wow.

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This episode felt longer than usual. Weakest episode for me.

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Wow! Worst Futurama episode ever right here. Whoever wrote this would have made a less atroxious job if he/she had used chatGPT to write the whole thing. It was a piss poor job at imitating an anthology episode like the ones we had on the last season but ran out of ideas and decided to shove it in a weak fanfiction of Leela getting banged by a hot stud prince of space but with no consequences for her cheating character at the end because she was under a "science spell" while also playing the part of bad ass game of thrones warrior. Or the other way around, she might have wrote the fandfiction first, ran out of ideas and did the anthology poor imitation to fill in the holes. Yeah, the last one is most likely.

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actually can't believe how terrible this was...

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this is definitively something that exists now, for some reason

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I'm glad I didn't get too excited for the return of this series. This episode was incomprehensibly bad.

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If Futurama was wrote by Family Guy's crew

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well that was certainly a concept that was executed

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What the fuck did I just watch? I genuinely want to know what happened here lol

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By far the worst episode of the season, dare I say series. Checking the reviews I wasn't the only one lost and bored. The fact that Fry was cuckolding explains the writers mentality.

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An episode where they try to break the mold, trying something different. Lowest point of the season so far. I don't agree that this evokes cancelation. Too early in the reboot. They tried something.

Edit: I did find it entertaining. But not what I was expecting.

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I don’t rate episodes also, but this is something you cannot pass.
Worst episode of the show and one of the worst I’ve seen, who saw this and said yes excellent let’s put it in the show and ruin everyone’s mind and eyes.
I pressed skip seconds many times!

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I believe they wanted to make something like the WTF interdimensional cable episodes from Rick & Morty, but they failed to make it funny

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This episode felt like they had two half-baked story ideas and instead of developing either one they just mashed them together into one messy episode

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they need new writers. I miss Futurama.

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The most boring episode of the series and I’m only ten minutes in

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I never thought we'd get a The Ring parody on Futurama, but I stand corrected.

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Dog shit episode.

This show needs to be canceled and never brought back, they've fucked it.

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I am about 7 minutes into this and will no longer be watching it.

Shit just kinda happens and it's not funny, it's just kinda there.

Skip it.

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One of the best of the season. So wacky it's amazing.

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