Questionable consent anyone?
Recently it seems that humor can only be found at the expense of the female characters. Namely Leela. Held at gun point, Leela is told to sleep with Zapp to save the human race.
Creepy as F*ck.
Worse yet. She does it.
I'm getting less and less enamored with this show as the hits against my sex continue.

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[7.1/10] Zapp Brannigan is always a selling point for Futurama comedy. Having a Zapp-focused adventure, where Leela is once again forced to contend with his particular brand of idiocy, is a nice idea for an episode, and the biblical riffs have their charms as well. (Also noteworthy that this is the first story credit Matt Groening had for one of his shows in ages.)

I like the “Transcredible Adventures of Zapp Brannigan” segments that are a pastiche of old serials, since they have a throwback charm. The “eden planet” business with Zapp and Leela was fun for the seeming character turn from Zapp, though the reveal was a little too much and too contrived. The rest of the gang trying to wipe out smut led to some fun bits (“Pubic Library” being an easy but potent laugh.) And the riff on Star Trek: The Motion Picture with V’Giny trying to blackout everything indecent in the universe was fun too.

Overall, not exactly a return to the form from the show as it returned to episodic television, but a fun idea done with flair, which works for me!

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Leela is such a slut in this. Like, Amy level slutty.

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