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From: Season 2

2x05 Lullaby

Give Season 2 a chance, I believe it's going to have a slow build up but, it will be some new twists and turns.

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This is awful writing.
Somebody talked to us on the radio,they knew my name,knew what my wife was doing in the basement.I think they are running psychological tests on us.
Boyd : I have to go.
wtf,you hear information big as this and that's your response?
I don't know why i decided keep watching this garbage for so long.
These morons deserve to die.

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All the characters suck now, no one to root for, story going nowhere, boring ass shit.

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Well, the use of f-word variations is up to 42 in this one. Incredible. Beyond that, is anyone ever going to have a normal conversation from start to finish on this show? It's just another way that the writers pad the script and drag things out even more without giving any answers to any of the mysteries that they've thrown out there.

All in all, it's getting very, very frustrating. On the bright side, Kristi's breasts make an unexpected appearance, so there's that. And Sara is still appealing in a broken psycho sort of way.

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Boyd is now giving waaaaaaallllllllttttttttt energy.

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I'm not a doctor , but i feel like that too much morphine to swallow LMAO

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Bruh. Bruh. Bruh. Boyd


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I can't remember everyones name. As soon as mother told Sara, I'll kill you if you come near by son, I figured he'd sneak off and see her. Did Sara kill anyone else expect her brother, which was an accident?

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I don’t know what’s happening and there’s still not many answers. I still find it engaging though.

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And that was the last episode for me, season 1 was ok, season 2 is boring.
(Silo is good so far, White House Plumbers is great)

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Omg... the first 2 episodes of the season were good, but it's going downhill again... Ii was so boring that I watched it in x3 speed

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