Why the hell did they stop wearing hazmat suits around the fungus? "It'll ignore you if you don't touch it." Uh, how about the fact that they all witnessed it EXPLODE and kill people that way? What's to say the shit growing on the walls isn't capable of that as well? Also, if you're wearing a hazmat suit, you'd be protected even if you did touch it. Incredible stupidity all around.

That kid basically murdered two other kids and is going to get away scot-free, that's messed up.

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I'm perfectly sane.

Whoa, easy there guy who was trying to lobotomize himself.

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I didn't like this episode. So many stupid things happened. E.g. people run into the cave with a deadly organism that you're not allowed to touch, without protective clothing, to kill it with a poison syringe (which touches the organism). I think it's stupid when a story is based on the protagonists being stupid. That's bad writing!

Secondly, I find this ideology that it is perfectly OK to kill a boy (not to let him die, but to kill him!) in order to save thousands of others repulsive. Even more disgusting that it is not questioned by anyone.

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Shout by effcol

For a minute there I thought Walter had read too much Homunculus and was trying out trepanation to see Peter with his third eye. Kinda disappointed it was an attempted lobotomy instead. trepanation would fit fringe science much better.

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This is the most heartbreaking episode of the series

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