Doesn't matter which universe or which timeline it is, Lincoln forever alone ;-;

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The "you broke multiple rules but you're so special and indispensable that we're going to let you continue on with your job and not punish you" is such a tired trope. This show is by no means the only perpetrator, but it does it more than once.

Although I suppose I can't fault it for being unrealistic. Certainly happens quite a lot in real life!

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Walters comments about the porcupine meaning God has a sense of humor were entertaining. I like how his obsession with different foods is such a staple of the show.

As usual, the case they're working serves as a metaphor for the Division agents. For example, if Peter continues to bring his reality back, will Walters lucidity improve or worsen?

Lincoln is left alone, pining after Olivia, having to drink that horrible concoction in order to avoid turning into a porcupine bat. Talk about crappy luck. In real life, Anna Torv had just divorced Mark Valley (Human Target).

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