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Fringe: Season 4

4x11 Making Angels


Shout by Dirk

This episode works like so many in season 4 of Fringe. First, a minor story is told that leaves you wondering about the inconsistencies. And then at the very end, the actual story is told by telling a little mystery story. That's pretty boring. Why always open up mysteries? Once it's Nina who "treats" Olivia with Cortexofan, here it's the Observers who speak sentences that just don't make sense.

Oh yes, and in between, the police or the FBI simply shoot someone, in this case Niel.

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Season 04 Episode 11 of Fringe featured the meeting of the two Agent Astrid Farnsworth, one an autistic and the other neurotypical.

This episode aired on 2012-02-04 and entitled “Making Angels”.

The autistic Agent Astrid Farnsworth came from the “Amber World” (the parallel world), and the NT Astrid is from the “Prime World” (our world basically).

The character is, I would say “basic” as far as portrayal of an autistic person. Some would say it's a stereotype. But I like her nonetheless because it was not exaggerated, and the focus was not on her autism instead it was about her many skills.

And in this episode, we saw through her that autistic people are humans too. That we have our own struggles, we do cry and feel emotions (contrary to the claims that we lack it), and we just want to live like everyone else.

The autistic Astrid was introduced in season 2 (2009–2010). The actress, Jasika Nicole, was praised for her performance of both the neurotypical and the autistic Agent Astrid.

How about you, what do you think of her character? How was the performance (specifically with autistic Astrid)?

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So after three and a half season we finally get an episode centered around Astrid, and it's just a B story?

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Shout by JasperKazai

The character arc of this episode's antagonist doesn't make any sense. He was spurred into pushing himself in his career/life because of what he overheard his mother saying... but then threw it all away when he found the Observer device, to go kill people? And why become a TSA agent then? He'd be able to do it regardless.
I know he was crazy, but no one would frame the newspaper article announcing your father and brother were killed.

Also, does that actor ever get to play a non-villain? I feel like he's always some sort of bad guy.

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Alternate Aspergers Astrid meeting Our Astrid was interesting. it was kind of her to lie to Alternate Astrid about the father situation.

Speaking of fathers, I always thought Astrid was partly in love with Walter, or at the very least, devoted to him, (& she doesn't ever date anyone else that we know of) but my understanding of their dynamic may have been muddled the first time around, as here she implied that he's more of a father-figure.

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"Shiitake Happens" that's what's written on the apron of Astro's Dad lmao
Shiitake is a kind of mushroom here in east asia.

Also it's pretty lame that Observers just came to know that Peter is alive

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