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Season 4

The beginning and the last two episodes were quite a disappointment for me: after starting off rather weak, the season gets better and reaches previous heights and greatness. I especially liked how the season seemed to culminate towards the final: "Letters of Transit" was brilliant!
BUT then the final came, a double-feature, and it was a huge let down! How could the blow it like that?!?! Hopefully Season 5 will be more along the line of 4x19 than 4x21!

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I couldn't remember much of the last 2 seasons so I did a rewatch, as it turns out, I don't need Belly to erase weak storytelling from my brain. For me this show ended at s3 and it was 10/10.

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From a brilliant start in S01 and most of S02, this has reached new depths. I have to assume new writers, new show runners, as this is like a completely different universe (pun intended).

But like some others, I watch, and hope for glimpses of that earlier brilliance...

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Same shit, different timeline

I want the old timeline back where Nina and Bell weren't lunatics and all this happened because Peter was erased? Leading to more questions than answering the old questions in the previous timeline.

This season is complete bs, it totally screwed up the main plot and I have no hopes for this show again, just watching because I started it.

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