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Season 2

Great improvement from the first season

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Shout by sncix

The overarching story is really interesting, and there are certainly twists that I don’t expect (though often foreshadowed - I suspect that they’ll realise Olivia is actually Bolivia (lol subtitles) because of the necklace that she gave to Ella before leaving. Though a lot of the episodes in the season were choppy (repeat of one-episode plots), there were some minor plot holes. It took time to address major plot points that I had been waiting to resolve or progress from Season 1. The filler episodes were trash (Charlie suddenly is alive, and Walter’s story-telling flashback to some 60s themed show). Overall though, the season finale was action filled and gripping.

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Quite a mess for the entire season. Half of it is good and moves the story forward, while the other half are stand-alone episodes that could have come from any TV series at any point in time and have no bearing on this series!!

They even managed to squeeze in the obligatory Nazi/Jew/Holocaust story for no apparent reason. Why do American TV series' do this?

When this show is good - it's VERY good, but other times it's just a 'what-the-hell-did-I-just-watch?

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