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Friends: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it."

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"hey pheebs, wanna help?"
"oh, i wish could, but i don't want to"


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Well, I just took a footstep into the world of Friends and I love it.

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once i was a wooden boy

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Heard about it tons of times, known the theme song for years, never knew who any of the characters are. Time to change that! Bit by bit.

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There's no way not to love this series❣ Best cast :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart:

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i just want a group of friends to watch soap operas with and yell at the characters to push each other down the stairs and clap together when they do

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Can someone please Show me how to use this app? I just downloaded it and I need help. How do you watch shows what do you click on to start watching an episode?

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There's no way not to love this series❣ Best cast :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart:

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It is time to finally watch Friends! Have seen like a lot of episodes here and there but not all of them! So yeah! I know I'll like this ride!

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I keep coming back to this group of friends as my ultimate comfort show:heart:

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Only watching this show to mark off a space on one of those media bucket list posters, but I'll try to be fair in reviewing each episode. That being said, really didn't like this pilot. While most pilots are very rough, this one just came across as incoherent, with no real plot and a lack of any really funny jokes. Not a good start, but I don't really expect most sitcoms to put out their best material out early on.

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The characters were all so much cooler in the first episode lol

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Shout by Deleted

It’s time for a rewatch !

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I cannot get over how good-looking everyone (except Ross sorry) is!! They all look so stunning

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Rachel’s voice is annoying for the first half of this episode.

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Shout by Deleted

Can someone please show me how to start watching the show? What do you click on to start an episode? I’m using an iPad.

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awesone sure watch good one

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