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Forever 2014

Does anyone remember the show "New Amsterdam"?
It had a very similar premise. Dude turned immortal by magic, after being killed defending people from racists. He now chills in New York with his old man son, who knows he's immortal. Also he fights crime.

New Amsterdam sucked though, and this looks promising.

I'd call it out as a rip off, but apparently New Amsterdam was itself a rip off of a book. Called Forever.

The TV show Forever is not based on the book Forever. The creator of TV Forever claims he thought it up.

Also, the book Forever people are currently developing the story for TV and have been shopping that idea around for a while, nearly selling to ABC.
So it is possible that TV Forever will have to change it's name because book TV Forever will probably have more rights to the name.

But then people will call book TV Forever a rip off of TV Forever, which is a rip off of New Amsterdam, a rip off of book Forever. So book TV Forever will probably change it's name, and fans of book Forever will hear about it being on TV, watch TV Forever and think it is a shitty adaption, missing real book TV Forever.

At this point everyone will be so confused they will be swallowed into a abyss of confusion and be lost Forever.

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I wish TV companies would stop cancelling good shows!

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I still haven't lost hope of a possible reboot

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This show is absolutely LEGENDARY!!!

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It was quite unfair that this show got cancelled. Still one of my favorite shows.

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unbelievable show like this get cancelled ...

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Shout by Deleted

highly underrated show!
it's written cleverly and keeps entertaining unlike other shows that get boring over time.
the character development is good.. particularly of the main character where they show his past!
it's just like The Mentalist which has a main story line which continues in the background while at the same time every episode has a new case.
this show has a lot of potential and i hope it gets renewed for a second season.
i think it deserves it.

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Shout by Deleted

Best this year

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Extremely upset with ABC for cancelling “Forever”. Hopefully Hulu or Netflix will see what a great show this could be and pick it up.

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Just read ABC cancelled Forever. no season 2.........What a shame...:( I truly loved this show..

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easily best show of the year

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This show will probably never reach extraordinary levels, but it's still capable of gaining the watcher's loyalty. Hope it sticks around for a while, it's kind of a weekly cheesy safe place.

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Shout by Deleted

Hallo Chris, deze moet je echt kijken

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Although most things got tied up in the season 1 finale, I'm still sad to see this show go. Potential new viewers should know that it has been cancelled.

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It's pretty good so far.
Very similar to other detective\crime shows like The Mentalist or Castle and even Elementary.
Like in The Mentalist ,Castle, and Elementary the interesting aspect here is the main character.
The cases themselves are done pretty well, and are not predictable.

I'm not sure about the whole immortal thing though. It's an interesting concept, reminds me the movie "The man from earth". But it's just feels like a gimmick to advance very convenient plot lines, I mean if Dr. Henry Morgan wasn't immortal nothing would dramatically change storywise. (except for his completely avoidable deaths every few episodes.)

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Enjoyed this and look forward to many more episodes.....

Ioan Gruffudd love this guy since Hornblower....

and of course missed Judd Hirsch since Numb3rs was pulled by stupidity IMHO....

and the detective from NCIS LA wahooo for the win....

Try it you might like it


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Shout by Deleted

Die Serie begeistert wirklich - und bietet durchwegs gute und stringente Handlungsstränge. Die Handlung ist abwechslungsreich und trotzdem immer nachvollziehbar - und auch wenn ich gerne mehr davon gesehen hätte, bietet die Staffel mit einem sinnigen Ende doch eine 'runde Sache'. Sehr empfehlenswert!

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How the *** could this been canceled? This is a really great show! Like, are @ABC stupid?

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What a shame that this shows was cancel.. I really love it Henry Morgan and I'm going to miss it.

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ABC cancelled Forever fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :'(

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Literally best show on TV

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this show has so much potential the but the creators are are playing it too safe by using the good old tried and tested csi/sherlock formula. the first few episodes made me expect some originality but late in the season you dont even think that dr morgan is immortal he is just another csi detective (when i say csi detective i mean coroner who is some how a csi detective) The point im trying to pass is this show is lacking originality because the way they are executing the plot has been done better by someone else like sherlock all the variants of csi or even elementary

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Yeah i like it so far and even it feels like a total ripp off of New Amsterdam that lasted only one season and some other series about immortal dude...
It brings something new to the table.So yeah i will definitely show and hope the show will improve again.

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Still upsetting knowing this show died. The entire season was amazing. It was paced well, great actors, enjoyable plot and twists. It could have wrapped really well in 3 seasons.

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On September 22, 2014, the first episode of Forever aired. When the final episode aired on May 5, 2015, it ended. The ABC network aired the entire season.

Even though viewers liked the show, the ABC network terminated it due to low viewership. According to a television reviewer, the network refused to make Forever Season 2 after people watched the episodes days later.

There were 8.26 million viewers for the first episode of the show. Early indications indicate that the second episode’s numbers weren’t too poor. Despite this, many television series viewers stopped watching after the third episode.

Despite its best efforts, Forever failed to improve its ratings before the season’s finish. The final season rating was 1.12, and 4.93 million viewers tuned in.

The series was well received. They organized campaigns and petitions to keep it on TV on social media because they were upset that it had been cancelled. There was no further information from the network or the show’s creators after it was canceled. But tere is speculation that if the show’s renewal is announced this year, it might be released in 2024.

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Nothing crazy, nothing complex, just a good solid show to enjoy. It's a shame this didn't get more seasons.

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I like the moments between Henry and Abe, I might go back to continue this show later
for now (Dropped)

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This show was so underrated. I remember watching it when I was a kid and it first came out, it started my interest in immortality and I absolutely love Ioan Grufford ugh. Rewatching it now is really bittersweet.

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I really hope the community can achieve it that there will be a secont season!!!

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Very sad it got cancelled. Hope one day it gets renewead for a second season, it really deserves it!

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Shout by TheChickenDuy
BlockedParent2017-03-18T15:22:49Z— updated 2018-09-14T17:33:38Z

underrated show, sad that a show like this got cancelled so quick

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che beautiful series KO. why???

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Can't believe this show got cancelled after just 1 season. This show had so much more to give and loads of directions to go in with story lines (past and present). A great loss imo . I had high hopes for this show and still hope some other network wants to take it on (I know it is unlikely now but shame).

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Wow I loved this show can't believe it did not get renewed for season 2 there was so much scope for this show and loads of story they could of told (past and current etc) shame.. Seems those who did watch it rated it highly but it somehow missed the numbers needed, maybe more advertising? or repeating on a diff night, I thought rating started to get better specially on catch up etc.. Real shame I had high hope for this show, a great loss imo.. :(

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Es una lástima que allá sido cancelada la serie; tenía todos los elementos para hacerla de esas que no dejas pasar al menos es mi opinión; espero que como muchas otras series la reintegren durante este 2016 o 2017.

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Shout by Deleted

Too bad this show was cancelled,I really liked it!

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Shout by Deleted

I can't believe they cancelled after they already scheduled a second season. Like the show that replaced their hour isn't doing any better in ratings from what I've seen.

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Shout by Deleted

I can't believe they cancelled after they already scheduled a second season. Like the show that replaced their hour isn't doing any better in ratings from what I've seen.

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show. I wish there is another season

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One of my favorite shows for the last couple of years. Too bad they cancelled it.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Good show. I really wish it wasn't cancelled.

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Shout by Deleted

Que putada que la cancelaran

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A real shame to see this one go. One of my favourites from last season.

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one of the best shows of 2014. heavily underrated!

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Best show I have ever seen!!!
I would like if they made a second season....

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Best show I have ever seen!!!
I would like if they made a second season....

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Best show I have ever seen!!!
I would like if they made a second season....

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Shout by Deleted

Juste une série excellente!!!! Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter à la première saison!!!!

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This show definitely deserves to be renewed for another season. This show is better than half of the current shows that have 3/4 or even 5 seasons.

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one of my favorite series.
unfortunately there is no a second season.

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one of my favorite series.
unfortunately there is no a second season

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one of my favorite series.
unfortunately there is no a second season

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One of my favorites series, I just don't have words to say how amazing this show is.

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Era una serie excelente con personajes dinámicos y frescos; contaba con un toque de clase especial y el casting fue perfecto, cada actor dio vida a su personaje "Henry, Abe, Martinez, etc"

Una lastima que no cuenten con más temporadas, seria bueno que la rescaten del olvido :(

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Era una serie excelente con personajes dinámicos y frescos; contaba con un toque de clase especial y el casting fue perfecto, cada actor dio vida a su personaje "Henry, Abe, Martinez, etc"

Una lastima que no cuenten con más temporadas, seria bueno que la rescaten del olvido :(

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Era una serie excelente con personajes dinámicos y frescos; contaba con un toque de clase especial y el casting fue perfecto, cada actor dio vida a su personaje "Henry, Abe, Martinez, etc"

Una lastima que no cuenten con más temporadas, seria bueno que la rescaten del olvido :(

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Era una serie excelente con personajes dinámicos y frescos; contaba con un toque de clase especial y el casting fue perfecto, cada actor dio vida a su personaje "Henry, Abe, Martinez, etc"

Una lastima que no cuenten con más temporadas, seria bueno que la rescaten del olvido :(

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Heads up on a petition to help save the show, apparently NetFlix might be interested.. but Warner is still shopping around

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Such a shame they cancelled this show.

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Good show. Let's hope it lasts a few seasons

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Good show. Let's hope it lasts a few seasons

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Shout by Deleted

Not a bad show so far.
hope it makes a second season.

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Played like a cheap knockoff of Elementary & New Amsterdam.

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It was pretty good pilot episode. Definitely going to watch it in Fall.

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