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For All Mankind: Season 4

4x01 Glasnost

Relatively low-key premiere compared to last season's opener, but still several solid set-ups for season's main storyline, although the most intriguing for me right now is Margo's. Them keeping Danny out of the show for now is... suspect. And Ed should be dead by the end of this season at the latest or poor Joel Kinnaman is going to spend hours to apply even-older man prosthetics next year.

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Yes. History finally set right and Al Gore was the president. In real life, Gore's early initiatives helped shape the Internet into a more open and universal system with more access to federal and university databases than it would have otherwise. We, the citizens of the world, have benefited directly because of Gore’s initiatives.

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I can't tell you how much I enjoyed and was surprised by how they changed the story. It's like a 180 turn. No one would have imagined, not me.

Instead of the same thing we had for the first three seasons, bleak and confrontational super powers (which is closer to reality), I like that now they say the Cold War is over and the superpowers are friends like in a bright fantasy like future. I don't know how things will turn out but I love it if they continue it.

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Boring season opener. Could’ve done much better.

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I enjoyed this series when it was doing alternate-history vintage space exploration, something not often seen, but now it seems with its time jumps it's about to become just another run-of-the-mill "sometime in the near future" scifi (yes, I am aware in the show's timeline it's technically the 2000s, which does not affect my point). We will see, I guess, how well it manages to preserve its uniqueness. I hope it does.

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I have to laugh at Margo discovering the grass isn't greener on this side. Is she going to double defect?

This show does love an accident to shuffle everything up.

At this point, can Ed come down even if he wants to? I'm not sure he can.

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I used to enjoy this series when it focused solely on alternate history. However, it seems to have transitioned into what appears to be wishful thinking for the Democratic Party. The repetitive storyline doesn't appeal to me, and while the special effects have improved significantly, I'm not sure if I'll continue watching this rehashed content. George Bush lost, and Al Gore won the presidency (yeah right). To keep my interest, something significant needs to change in this show.

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Not a great opening to the season. Boring really. I guess Margo got found out then, did she run off to Russia because she had no choice?

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Dang, this show just loves killing off characters don’t they

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At least it's about space stuff again.

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Réalisation 4/5
Acting 3/5
Émotions 2/5


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this was a pretty much let down episode, somewhat nearing action movie content like Armageddon... "hey boss lemme fix that spike back into that wildly shaking deadly looking giant piece of rock that is tearing apart us, because we won't adhere emergency protocol... yeah you too come with me.."

the first two seasons were perfect, season three started in the wrong direction with full of risky engineering and no protocol. I really hope they start to get back into a more realistic plot

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So happy that this show is back. It‘s already one of my favorite shows of all time. And in this season premiere it continues to tell an extremely compelling story with known and also new characters. Can‘t wait to see where this season will take us.

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Well that was a slow boring burn. Hopefully it picks up

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A setup episode. I was only invested on the oil rigger story. The Russian subplot is too vague, so far.

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Shout by Cintula

Obviously Ed is able easily to hide his illness on Mars...

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