Afreakinmazing! IMHO this show consistently delivers and doesn’t disappoint.

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Finds out there is a recording device in the Oval Office. Continues to talk in secret in the Oval Office. Idiots

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wtffff that ending is a hell of an unforeseen twist, not sure how I feel about it tbh. Amazing episode otherwise, 9.5/10 - whole season's been great.

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This season has been a 3/10 so far, not half as good as the 1st 2. Hopefully it’s way better next season

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They show has been officially renamed to “For All Gaykind”

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Wtf is everyone in the world gay now a days. All these shows make it seem like 90% of population is gay. This is just out of control. We went from depicting gays as a fluke in human evaluation to everyone everywhere is gay.

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Another damn good cliffhanger in a season full of them.

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Has gone over the top with the gay storyline I must admit. But in general it's a good show.
The ending of this episode came straight out of the book of wtf.

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I dream of the day we could have such a high level leader be out as queer.

More importantly though dayum that ending! I did not see that coming!

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Unfortunately the only way we will ever see a gay leader in real life is via this type of mechanic, large parts of society wouldn’t allow it if it was overt before election. Whether US or U.K. or any other nation

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wow, the dinosaurs are out I force in these comments! why isn't there a Report function in the App version of Trakt? Being a woman, or black, or gay, isn't 'woke' it's simply life. As already pointed out in another reply, many Leaders have been, or are currently out and gay. It really shows how backwards and parochial US voters really are when it's only ever in fiction they elect a woman, when the RotW has been managing it for decades...

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Wtf ending was that? This show has devolved from alternative history to full blown space soap opera!

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All the wrong characters have died. I vomited all over myself like that Russian cosmonaut. I hope in the last episode an alien race destroys the earth for creating such disgusting propaganda

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Funny how they depicted the Soviets as being gay friendly, they were and still are notoriously anti-gay.

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Isn't it funny how the nazi-brigade thinks anyone in mainstream media gives a flying fuck about their opinions? But, damn, that coming out scene, and the reaction on mars, was a thing of beauty.

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What a disappointment. I was enjoying this show until all this woke nonsense...WHY did they think this woke nonsense would help? Figures it's an Apple show.

loading replies have now destroyed what was a good show.Another one bites the dust because of the woke brigade who are lucky if they make up one percent of viewers.

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Well, as long as Madam President doesn’t have a Penis it’s all good! If she came out as „non-binary“ I would have to cancel Apple Plus for shitting on my TV screen.
But as it was, it’s ok. No harm in some gayness. Just keep the non-gender nuts out and we’ll be fine.

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Of course the one rule i had personally is NO ONE is to get pregnant on a fucking space expedition! We cant spare more resources. Wouldn’t nasa use some kind of birth control in these instances? Seems it should be in the bi laws.

What did you think would happen by telling someone that worked for nasa longer than even Madison :joy: man she’s stupid for a supposedly top engineer

Of course bitch ass Danny isn’t going to take the blame for the drill accident. Who saw that coming.

So irresponsible for Kelly to get knocked up on mars. Honestly that should come with jail time putting everyone else life at risk and now we’re also down a man if anything happens where we need able bodies. At what point do we start calling this child endangerment?

After i saw the guy on mars at the end i immediately thought “wait we didn’t bring our guns” thats dumb.

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“Uhhhhhhhhhwuuuuut.” <- noise I made at the end of this episode.

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Réalisation 4/5
Acting 4/5
Émotions 3/5


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Réalisation 4/5
Acting 4/5
Émotions 3/5


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There is a very fine line between cringe and feel-good. They walked it here perfectly.

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NASA engineers having babies on Mars? Allowing someone with a very obvious mental condition into NASA? I barely made it through the last episode and 5 minutes into this episode and looks like more of the same.

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