Oh, those Russians :expressionless::expressionless:

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The series is absolutely on fire this season. It feels like they design the season arc's events so that every episode has the momentum of a penultimate episode or a series finale. The episode's main story itself is exhilarating enough, then comes that ending.

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I wish apple would just release all the remaining episodes, I don’t want to wait a week for a resolution.
And Dev was clearly a bull shiter for the get-go “we are a collective“!

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The pacing of this season is incredibly awesome. Wow, so much movement, and every episode are great. This episode is no different!

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This season is amazing, if this pace and level of tension continues, it may shape up to be one of the best seasons of TV ever. The fact that we are witnessing it unfold weekly, as opposed to all at once, only makes it better. Kudos to all involved.

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I really wish they would not sacrifice physics just to get some drama into the story.

It's twice now. The first time was with the thruster that kept firing. No one would design a system like that.

The second one was in Episode 4. They keep complaining about the 5 1/2 minute communications delay but apparently they get real time telemetry from the Soviet vessel. This makes no sense. Not to mention that in the real world the rescue should would be the one relaying telemetry and have access to it themselves.

Of course what happened is now the setup of Ed disobeying Dev's orders in order to save his daughter.

Space travel is / will be dangerous enough without having technology and physics designed by a writers room without imagination.

Hey, Ronald D. Moore and writers room: Read "The Martian".

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Jesus what an emotional rollercoaster, what a show!

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Nooooooo. Why!!!! Why would you leave us hanging like that.

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Wow...this show is one of the best I've seen in a while. And I agree with the last poster - release the rest! lol

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Is it me or is this getting better and better?

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What a cliffhanger that was. At least we know who died. There is no mistaking it. What's going to happen next though. I'll find out in 10 hours.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Damn Danny is a real piece of work. He's definitely gonna fuck something up.
And I had a bad vibe about Dev and all his grand speeches and 'community'. Man is a narcissist and in this for the glory. He's shown his true colours now.

Would have been nice for the sacrifice to end up being a boon but hte Russians really screwed this one up!

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What just happened?? The end was a great hook for the next episode. Writers have been foreshadowing everything in this episode. Situation is critical now! Let's see the outcome.

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Another brilliant and thrilling episode. It‘s incredible how this show keeps up its high level of storytelling. That ending was just breathtaking.

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Jolly Roger :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

It's almost a shame that they had to make it the first domino in the successive knee-jerk decisions each team made trying to "win".

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