About 2 episodes back the series is getting strong again. I’ll bet it will increase more until the final episode of the season 2. That Cliffhanger was :flushed::flushed: thats messed up

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This show is a godsent

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Who would have imagined that bringing firearms to the moon would have any negative repercussions?! :joy:

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It’s a real pity For All Mankind is buried on Apple TV+ because if it was on any other streaming service everyone would be talking about it. Great episode in an incredibly strong second series.

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So incredibly good and although I like Apple TV+ it‘s really a shame that this show doesn‘t get the recognition it deserves due to the small viewership on the streaming service! In my opinion TV doesn‘t get better than this.

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This episode got me engaged and successfully makes me upset.

Why the Russian doesn’t understand English and why the US Space marines doesn’t understand Russian, when you both are the only one on the moon you both ought to understand each other’s language.

Too bad one Soviet have to die because of communication failure of both sides, the Russian was trying to ger their translation cheat sheet in a large container box which the space marines thought contains firearm.

The US Marines is too trigger happy, cmon they already have 3 guys have their gun drawn and ready to fire, no way the Russian could pull their “supposed to be firearm”, unlock it, and aim it before the the US could shoot them, and again the US space marine should have known a bit of Russian language.

The Russian isn’t perfect either, they should have freeze on their spot and communicate to their moon HQ when got themselves firearm drawn upon them. They should have calmly point to their suspicious looking storage box which contains their needed translation sheet, instead of trying to get it themselves. Again the Russian should have known a bit of English as well.

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I'm sorry I get the boy is an adult now but Karen deciding of all people to fuck it had to be the kid she practically raised alongside her own son makes me want to gag.

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American terrorism: now also on the moon!

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shocking another cheating skank in a TV series

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Americans shooting first and asking questions later? Nooo, that is so unrealistic.

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Great episode, lots of character building and emotions. Really nice that Aleida and Bill are now best buddies and will become a superstar engineering team. Glad someone finally knocked it into her head that she needs to take some ownership of her actions. Also, I really don't understand where this this mom and her best friend's son thing is coming from.

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Karen went from changing his to diapers to jumping his bones. Who's writing this nonsense? I hope this avenue of writing stops after this season. Talk about ruining a good story.

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Yeah, best solution to handle a conflict with armed men's is to run and reach for something in a big case. Best idea ever !

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I must be old fashioned because as soon as someone cheats whilst in a committed relationship I lose all empathy for that character and simply laugh when anything bad happens to them. Add Karen to the list

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When someone who is trigger happy points a gun at you, you don't start opening boxes, you stay put and point at the box. Apparently Russia sent 2 of its dumbest astronauts to the moon. Plus, the Karen plot is just cringe, I pray they don't turn this show into a full blown soap opera.

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What a bunch of space cowboys. First shoot, then ask. What a cliche ending, and so ‘unexpected’. As unexpected as Karen’s affair, and Aleida becoming friends with Bill. It is all so damned predictable.

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A poor episode. Karen cheats on a kid she used to baby sit. WTF. Americans shooting first, asking questions later. About the only realistic part of this episode. A didn't car much for Aleida, however the scene with her and Bill was very well done. Definitely the best part of this episode.

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this second season is so fucking bad. by the end of every episode im facepalming so hard by either how cliché everything is or how dum some characters have suddenly become... hated almost every minute of this episodes finale

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That's one hell of an episode. emotional ( way to go Gordo ), disturbing ( what the hell Karen?) and terrifying ( wtf is wrong with you people?)

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It wasn't that great, and I didn't like the spin take for Karen. She was always a great wife and now she suddenly cheats on the poor Ed. That scene at the end was the good thing about this episode.

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Those marines should be removed from the moon. If it is really necessary to have some on the moon then use better trained ones. It was obvious the cosmonauts were not going to get a weapon.

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Just fast-forwarding through all the content featuring Karen and her toy boy, nobody cares about that shitty forced subplot. I'm going to ignore it and imagine it doesn't exist because the rest of the show is pretty good.

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It feels like this show has two separate teams of writers: one for the weird, uncomfortable romantic subplots and another for everything else.

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Aleida and Bill was a very nice scene. The rest of this episode not so easy to believe.

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Had wished the episode's title was a cheeky, not literal, reference, then UGHHHHH.

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