The actress playing Gabriella and the one playing her mom are five years of age apart. Come on. You have to do better than that. Vince was dead. His heart stopped. Then he went to the ball and put out a fire. He needs a cape because he is a superhero.

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2 minutes to midnight on con(.$.)firefighter, with stalag 13 on the threat of being shut down, the con(.$.)firefighters and non(.$.)con(.$.)firefighters decide to have the annual drukin' barn dance con(.$.)firefighters ball. Just what you want to see, con(.$.)firefighters serving the hors d'oeuvres.

Well I',m not sure what else happened as I kinda nodded out but I did wake up in time to see con(.$.)firefighter boaty single handedly put out a 4 alarm fire and make a heart filled speech about .... ah nothing.

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