The early episodes of any series are about introducing the main characters in more detail than the pilot was able to do. This episode is an excuse to tell us something about Aeryn Sun.

Giant space cockroaches decide to use Moya to birth their next generation. Their biology is such that they need to raise the temperature of the ship to do so. They therefore hijack the temperature controls. As it happens, however, Peacekeeper biology is extremely sensitive to heat, and Aeryn could end up in a as a living zombie if the crew cannot keep her cool enough. At this same time a commando unit of Peacekeepers finds Moya and decides to invade her, but ultimately succumb to the heat. In the end Rygel is able to establish communication and diplomatic relations with the insect Queen --- sovereign to sovereign --- resulting in a cooperative arrangement that allows the insects to procreate and Aeryn to survive.

And hence we learn that Peacekeepers have an Achilles heel: a fate worse than death itself and which often leads them to commit suicide rather than endure it.

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I guess with a partly ship-bound space opera, lines blur somewhat when you consider what to classify as a bottle episode, but I'd still argue that "Exodus from Genesis" is one. And a rather special one, at that. Though the central concept is familiar enough, the execution is frighteningly assured, especially considering this is only the show's second episode.

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