just in the middle of The season and the plot is not running at all. This episode was a bit boring. Third season far from the both previous ones.

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I was a little worried there for a second at the end but I'm glad Nikki is still alive. Ray and her have been pretty shitty to Emmitt but not enough to be killed off.

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"Enemies are at the gates! Inside the gates! Fornicating with our cookware!"

Wonderful episode, loving this season so far.

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This was a rough episode to watch. Great, but tough, bookended by 2 brutal scenes for Sy to be in the middle of.

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"The House of Special Purpose" is a solid episode that sees the plot thicken and become pretty interesting, to my surprise. While this episode certainly isn't exciting, I very much enjoyed the scheming that took part from numerous characters, particularly Ray and Nikki, and the amount of subtle tension that accumulates throughout this one. However, I do wonder why Emmit and Sy didn't think to record Ray and Nikki admitting to the sex tape on the phone, though. I am keen to see how V.M. Varga handles the IRS agent, whether he gives him the "fake books" or deals with him in a more nefarious nature.

Overall, pretty good episode.

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thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack

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I really liked the second half of this episode. The tension was real!

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Awesome episode. Jaw dropping scene...

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