I haven't had fun with Family Guy in ages! ... And this episode doesn't change that fact.

Having no idea who Rob Gronkowski is or what the New England Patriots are, this episode clearly wasn't aimed at me in the first place. Okay, I find out quick that he's a rugby player and he likes to misbehave. I guess. Or hell, maybe not, it's Family Guy after all.

Is he a professional fancy Golfer, who shudders at the idea of misbehaving? Probably not, but you get my point.

Brian and Stewie are once again (and as usual) the center of the side-plot going on, which involved bee-keeping, steroids and .. Well, that's it. Bees. Steroids. Not funny.

Also, the main story? Read the bold sentence above, that's it. Pretty sure it's funny if you know who the guy is, why he's in the news or famous or whatever.

Maybe I should rewatch some old episodes, rethink my life or wonder if I have Family Guy Fatigue.
Because choosing to keep watching this show doesn't work, not now, not for the past years.

3 (Bad)

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