The makers of this show are playing one big long game, bigger than any other TV show that I have watched without giving too many clues as to what is going on. Crazy stuff.

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This season advertises tequila in a can a lot lol. Still, this might be the best season. It gets better and better.

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I kind of wish we could have seen the dead lady at the end. I'm also glad we didn't though. I cannot remember who Grace is. I did find out, I think she is a Prophet of The Lord?

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Shout by J_345

Ok the requests of the “A Friend” is getting pretty ridiculous now and who is going to remember that shit in the middle of an exorcist?

Was that George!!

I dont think Kristen and David should be meeting alone in a shed

Kristen is full of shit calling David just like everyone. He’s literally the only one looking for your well being. Get over yourself, like she hasn’t lied to him multiple times

Of fucking course the grandma knows about the daughter now she’s finally going to start bringing her in the fold :man_facepalming_tone3:

Maybe the new fertilize egg is the descendant instead of lexis but then again, she does have a damn tail so.

David sneaks downstairs but then bang on the door for the whole building to know lol.

Why isn’t Kristen bringing the team in on the egg thing, clearly theres something wrong. I hate when people keep important shit to theirselves.

See what happens when you keep secrets :man_shrugging_tone3: ive never unliked Kristen until hearing her finally scream lol

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