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Evil: Season 2

2x08 B Is for Brain

Kristen's ass done gone off the deep rails.

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WTH is wrong with Kristen? I am more and more convinced that she will be the villain at the end of this season…

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this episode was B Is For Brain.

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Another terrific outing. The scene between Leland and Sister Andrea is outstanding, and I'm already hoping for more of them going head-to-head. If the writers have any clue at all, then they saw the potential, too.

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The deadbeat dad needs to die.

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Thank you for finally clarifying why the husband is constantly not in the show. Now, please bring him permanently into the regular cast.

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Katja is working her scream queen this episode. Another classically disturbing episode. Ordinarily when Andy shows up I don't like him. He interrupts the tension that's been building rather than enhances it. But here it worked. As Kristen has been getting more and more atypical. Andy serves as a barometer in her home life. Not what I expected from him. At one point I thought he was going to be a demonic influence of some sort but that doesn't seem to have panned out.

I also love the nun. Sister Agnes who from what I can tell is everything the church should be. She does the skuttiest of skut work with grace and civility sans any complaint. She's here to fight evil with no holds barred. And I'm here for every minute of her steadfastness.

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Knocking that punk-ass bitch out with the frozen bag of chips is the best thing Kristen ever did.

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