thank u lexi for ending nate’s life

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FUCKING LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Definitely the best episode of a rather boring show, if only because of the excellent cinematography and emotional moment with Fez who is quite possibly the only character in this series I actually care about.

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«I… I remember a couple of days before you passed away you told me… that if I ever wanted to be with you all I would have to do is close my eyes and we’d be together. You said that… memories exist outside of time.

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  • Uhm… do you ever worry as you get older… you’ll have less and less memories of Dad?
  • Yeah!
  • How do you stop that from happening?
  • You can’t.

«I… I remember a couple of days before you passed away you told me… that if I ever wanted to be with you all I would have to do is close my eyes and we’d be together. You said that… memories exist outside of time.

  • Hai mai paura che invecchiando… avrai sempre meno ricordi di papà?
  • Come si fa a impedire che accada?
  • Non si può.

«Mi ricordo che un paio di giorni prima che te ne andassi mi hai detto… che se avessi mai voluto stare con te avrei dovuto solamente chiudere gli occhi e saremmo stati insieme. Hai detto che i ricordi esistono al di fuori del tempo».

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i was so freaking anxious the entire time whenever they showed fez's house & there's definitely something going down next's hurts that we're going to have to wait AN ENTIRE WEEK for that ughhhhh

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If Fez doesn't make it through this season I swear I'm gonna lose it

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They have a really big budget in that school !

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I'd actually pay to see Lexi's play live. That Nate bit... truly one for the books, /this/ is musical theatre ladies and gentlemen
Looking forward to the inevitable Maddy v. Cassie catfight next episode!

P.S. if anything happens to my boys Fez and Ashtray this season, Sam Levinson better hire some bodyguards because I'll come swinging

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Zendaya’s face during Nate’s number in the play. Absolutely priceless! Priceless.

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Man do I wish I was having as much fun with this season as everybody else. This might be my least favorite episode of Euphoria so far.

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Whole school gotta eat sack lunches now because Lexi wanted to tell people’s tea!

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The gigantic hit and miss of the season for me. Like wow. Imagine committing to the idea of character centered episodes and not giving in to the need to tie in and move on with other conflicts every five minutes. I mean come on, it was right there: the friend of the unreliable narrator directing a play about their lives, perspectives smashing eachother through theather, the crowd watching the scene and we watching this at home while Lexi get's lost in her memories, and then expand that nicely layered mess to her mom and Cassie, and Fez could have been purely prologue or epilogue, no need to jump in and out of the play. Needed a lot more focus in this episode. Lexi and Fexi deserve better storytelling, like come on! I'm beginning to give in to the thought that Sam is an amazing creator when it comes to addiction, but a sliipery slope when it's about anything else.

P.S.: even with having a look at every character, Kat is horribly invisible this season, but I'm so happy for Suze, that woman is gold

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Lexi is officially THAT bitch.

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I thought that the play would be way more unflattering, especially to Cassie, but all in all, it was fair. Bobbi and Maddy are right, Lexi is brilliant and a fuckin' G.

On that note, is Maddy leaving the show? After McKay, I guess it's always possible that there'll be changes at any given point but it would feel incomplete, once again.

Suze and Ethan enjoying the hell out of it was funny.

Furthermore, if anything bad happens to Fez...

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Lexi, Ethan and Suze carried this episode.

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manifesting the secret service for everyone involved in that play ESPECIALLY after the holding out for a hero number!!! also that last shot....when are we gonna get miss sweeney as the lead in a horror movie?? jw

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Is Nate Jacobs going to murder that actor that played him?

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This was the best episode of both seasons so far! Also, ending with the theme from Cannibal Holocaust was genius.

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Nah Sam snapped on this episode. Whoever is responsible for that play deserves a raise. That was the greatest display I've ever seen. The rotating set was impressive. The Nate Gym Montage was very well done as well. Probably the greatest episode the show has ever displayed. I love how everyone got some shine this episode, except for Kat of course. I really don't have much to critique this episode. I think part of what made this episode so great besides the epic scenes were the rollercoaster of emotions. Every super sad Rue scene was contrasted with a funny Lexi/Maddy scene, every dark Nate/Maddy scene was contrasted with a sad Lexi/Dad scene. You really just went everywhere this episode. Not to undersell that Cal scene, that was probably the scariest scene on the show holy moly. Great, great work, officially a Sam Levinson stan.

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Omg that ending!!
Lexi you're a dead bitch :))))

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i laughed i cried a number of times i sweat i danced i got a shot i ate and i had many epiphanies

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Lexi is GOAT.
The absolute tension in Fezco's house though. Protect him at all costs.

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if I were Lexi's friend/sister we'd be having a very heated discussion in the parking lot for airing out everyone's shit like that jesus

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Going against the grain here, but this for me was the worst episode of the entire show.

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Very conflicted. Sometimes Lexi speaks with my thoughts and it's scary. But she wouldn't do half of what is going on here, it's all SO much. And I get that that's the point, but I feel like the show is continuously trying to outdo itself. Besides, the episode is way too scattered, it really just needed to be JUST the play. The rest was not necessary, and could've been implied through the play. Sam Levinson needs someone with a stick to smack his fingers when he has these ideas. I'm very conflicted about the Holding out for a hero thing as well. Putting myself at a distance from this show, it's really all over the place.

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best episode in the show along with the jules special episode, this was fucking BRILLIANT

lexi howard you will always be famous

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Worst episode of the season BY FAR. Was all over the place.

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In my opinion there’s such a big difference between Leslie and Suze.
Leslie is such a bad mother; she has no idea what’s going on in her children’s lives and when she does find out, she handles it in a horrible way. Sometimes she hits her struggling, addicted, anxious daughter and sometimes she says the most demeaning and mean things to her, while simultaneously ignoring the other. Granted, Rue is a difficult child to parent but Leslie does a really bad job of it. She says Gia hasn’t gotten enough attention from her because of Rue, but I’d say she hasn’t given enough attention to either of them.
Suze, on the other hand, is kind of a mess all on her own, but I do genuinely feel the love she has for her children and her support is always there.
So yea, I love Suze, but i kinda hate Leslie.

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Absolutely incredible episode. This is ART! I don’t know how HBO and A24 keep doing it right.. but they hit the spot in so many ways. Cinematography is absolutely phenomenal. The direction, acting, the perfectly chosen Music. Bravo!

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