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ER: Season 8

8x18 Orion in the Sky

Absolutely terrific episode. Nothing particularly major happens, patients wise, but Mark's final shift in the ER is so moving. The closing scene where Mark passed the metaphorical baton to Carter ("You set the tone, Carter") gave me a major lump in my throat, even second time around. Damn, I love this show.

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I wish they would stop dragging out this crap with Mark. I used to like him but I'm fed up with his attitude of thinking if he doesn't do anything all problems will go away so I'm not really going to miss him.

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Never been a huge Mark fan, but this episode still "hit me in the feels" (as the kids say).

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Shout by Jan

Of all the characters that have been there since the first few seasons, Mark Greene is the last one who deserved such an end. Everyone else got the happy/positive exit but they had to kill him off :cry:

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