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Emily in Paris 2020

It's an ok show.

For my taste, it was too much like a parody sometimes. Lots of clichés and stereotypes, lots of over the top (quite frankly not very good) acting, lots of dumb jokes.

In this same quick, comedic style, Younger is a much better show. And fashion wise, I'd stick with The Bold Type, or even the timeless Devil Wears Prada.

The potential was there, but the execution was sloppy. I hope they get better writers if it gets picked up for a second season.

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Emily is such an AWFUL HUMAN BEING AND FRIEND. I can't believe the writers insist on making us like her.

She's so convinced she's a good person, but she just isn't. She didn't purposefully sleep with her friend's boyfriend, "it just happened somehow". Are you fucking kidding, Emily???? And that's just one example. It's the most annoying thing in the world and I just can't ignore it.

That's not the only thing that ruins this show, though, which is such a shame, because it could actually be good.

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like the culture differences between french and american. and the actors are all stunning. and relax and enjoyable series.

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An enjoyable binge-watch, which basically translates to a "fish out of water" or an American living in France that doesn't speak a word of French. All cast members deliver enjoyable performances that will keep you incessantly clicking to the next episode. Personal break-out supporting cast, Bruno Gouery & Samuel Arnold expertly carry the middle and strengthen the office politics satire. Lots of pop-culture, and social media references; including European and transatlantic tropes that play extremely well. Accompanied by gorgeous establishing shots of french culture and striking costume designs by Sex & the City's Patricia Field, Emily in Paris brings a nuance angle to The Devil Wears Prada franchise.

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not good at all.

it felt like they couldn't decide if they wanted it to be parody or genuine. also emily's brand of feminism is very... white and im not really a fan. again, couldnt tell if that was supposed to be a little satirical or not.

i also have a bone to pick about their token east-asian side character, who is supposed to be chinese but is played by an actress of korean descent. it just didnt really make sense when... they could have cast an actual chinese actress? or even changed the character to be from korea instead and it would not have affected the story at all. the stereotypes they assign her are east asian stereotypes anyways, not just chinese stereotypes ((((: ashley park deserves better

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As I watched this, it reminded me of another show (YOUNGER), which, it turns out, is another Darren Star series with which I have similar feelings. It may turn out my issues are in his formula. First the positive, Lily Collins is delightful. Her character is winsome (and she rocks an American accent, something that always impresses me by Brits who jump the pond). The theme is love, love of Paris, star crossed love, which is what keeps us watching. The beauty of Paris is on full display. But, here are my issues. The supporting characters are templates (even when the actors work hard at making them charming).The clothing choices are totally incongruous with the wages of those who wear them. Darren Star loves fashion, glamour and indiscriminate lifestyles, which is where I have issues with his shows. His shows are more image than substance which strip the characters of depth and forces them to be ornaments rather than complex people. Their superficial environment dictate their superficial actions and thoughts. Eventually, I lose interest in these shells of people. I give this series a 7 (beautiful but shallow) out of 10. [Dramedy]

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After binge watching the first three seasons, I look forward to this atrocity getting cancelled. Is there a petition somewhere I can sign?

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I know some people say "it's a cliché" "it's an okay show", etc. But for me, it's fine, I like that cliché, light tv shows that makes us want to be in a team of that boy/girl and wait for the result! Sometimes we need something easy to watch.

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incredibly average comedy show. Lilly Collins was born to play this role though.

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This was basically The Devil Wears Prada without Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. Cute and entertaining, we ploughed through both seasons within a week.

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I'm so surprised that people don't like this show... I enjoyed every episode and can't wait for season 3!

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very easy to watch, but could i tell you anything that happened in the entire show? nope.
also, is emily supposed to be fashionable? because some of her outfits were horrendous

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Loved this!! :two_hearts: I hope there is a 4th season.

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If I had to use one word to describe these series it would be...

Thick eyebrows
Bushy eyebrows

I rate it "you'll find a link to GoFundMe campaign raising money for an eyebrow regulation for Emily at the end of the credits " out of ten.

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I'm not sure if this series can ever appeal to anyone outside the United States. It is full of stereotypes of what Americans think about the French and what Paris is like. Unfunny jokes, flat and uninteresting characters,.... It works neither as a comedy, nor as a social critic, nor as a drama,.... It really looks like a series aimed at American teenagers, but neither for female nor for male audience, both will find numerous aspects to hate. It is surprising that this series has been renewed and is one of the most watched series on Netflix, it says a lot about Netflix users.

Pd. I feel sorry for the French, just when a series set in France was known worldwide....

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the entire season was released on Netflix

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Why the fuck does this god awful show exist.

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With cliched scripts, a handful stereotypical characters, cheesy humor, and many more issues it should be very hard to like this show but for some reason I find it enjoyable. Collins gives such a fun performance too. A solid little show, nothing special but nonetheless a fun one to binge at times.

Watched in preparation for The Emmys.

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Sweet show about the divisions between cultures.If you have seen the movie '5 to 7',this show feels the same but drama instead of romance

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Enjoyable to watch when you want to relax, but not spectacular.

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I like Lily Collins and her portrayal of Emily in super-amped-up-alternate-universe Paris. Having said that, the kid I really like in this show is Camille Razat. She has a certain je ne sais quoi that suits the theme of this show.

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For the first season it was good enough to watch, but the second season, what the hell? Why did they mess up so much? I am not even understanding their feelings, all too fake.
Only Mindy is the one who I really like.

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I am not French (nor American) so the whole cultural thing didn't phase me. This show is a guilty pleasure for me because I really didn't care about story or character arcs. For me it's just a colorful spectacle of Paris, fashionable clothes and silly cliché characters that is easy to digest.

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Honestly, this show is so badly done, it's unthinkable to understand how it lasted 4 seasons ; the scripts are awful, there's shots where you can see two Eiffel towers in one scene, my girlfriend who barely speaks English told me the French translation voice overs are absolutely atrocious, it's unfathomable to think those actors can keep their dignity and pride for doing this show.
But as they say ; 'a man's trash is another man's treasure'.

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Nice if you want something to watch w your brain turned off, v typical rom com stuff. Don’t watch for character development or an intriguing plot

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I kinda liked the first season but the following ones are bad, i found it boring

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Show me Emily in Nicaragua and I'm totally on board. Let's see this chicka adapt to another culture for real.

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Very cute show with lots and lots of drama as it follows a young woman who moves to France temporarily in place of her boss to watch over a merger of a foreign company, and she soon makes many romantic partners and new friends as she learns to and eventually falls in love with living in Paris. The character casting is a bit off which is disappointing as you would think that the characters would be what gets people to keep watching the show, but for me its actually the plot development, but you got to pay attention as some key parts may be missed while the translation stuff makes it a bit complicated.

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Story line is shit. Acting, shit. Everything is shit in this sorry not sorry

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Shout by Deleted

just a series to waste a couple of hours, it's fine. helped me one night when i felt like trash.

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What a terrible show!
The acting is out there, somewhere... but not in here!
Emily is just a stupid, terrible, spoiled brat who always does what she wants with no regards to others.
The totally false image it gives from Paris, Parisian people and French people in general is nothing but stereotypes from someone who's never set foot in France...
And the so called story is just plain boring and not really cleverly done and not an once credible.

Don't waste your time in here.

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A rather uncompelling show with a rather unlikable and obnoxious title character. Dripping with the Millennial angst spurred by the pressures of social media popularity, this overly done premise ("fish out of water/culture shock") falls flat. This is not the next "Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt". This is just a very broken, unfunny, and uninteresting story about an "insert random character name in any foreign city".

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The first few episodes were cringeworthy, especially as someone who has lived in a foreign country without speaking the language (initially). Let's also not gloss over the fact that this show is essentially The Devil Wears Prada without the star cast.

If you like unattainable fashion, unlikely relationship webs, and Americans who staunchly refuse to consider other cultural perspectives, this may be the show for you.

Don't think too hard and episodes 4-10 are fairly enjoyable.

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Good series ... although the main character is more of a prostitute than Candy Candy (anime '80) .

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it wasn't very good but it was fun. it's like Nutella I guess, it's bad for you but you watch it anyways.

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Probably a candy to eat hot in the blanket

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Fun to watch, interesting that an American is working in Paris and reveals the culture barriers and the differences between the Americans and the French.

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If there is nothing else to watch you are in a good mood this is not bad. Beware it is cheesy in a funny way. All in all not bad.

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Really fun to watch. But it's not something that I would say that I really loved or my favorite. There isn't really a character growth for Emily. Each episode, you can always expect what will happen to her and to the story. I liked how they added some touch of women empowerment to the series but it was an okay for me. This series is also short so you can actually finish them in a week if you're not that busy.

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Ok this was pretty cute although I will say that I feel it started out strong but deteriorated nearer the end of this 10 episode run with the first season. if there is to be a second season to be released then I will definitely watch it as I found this to be some good quirky fun.

I like the brief touch upon feminism in the 2nd episode where Emily talks about how we must objectify women in order to sell a product. I was absolutely there for that scene. but overall this show was ok, I just got a little bored nearer the end.

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I'm writing this as I've just reached halfway of the show and I just a few pet peeves to share.

As someone who does speak mandarin I do wish they had cast an actual chinese speaker or just give her lines that weren't in the language.

Other than that, the French stereo typing was very meh and can be summarized in "Crossiants, Wine and Sex'. At least it did show some cultural differences like the lunch hours.

One thing I hated so much was how she would always introduce herself as "the American from Chicago". I'm not American and the state from which a person originates is unnecessary information but thats just my opinion. I've seen this in a few shows and movies and I wish people would stop.

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