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Emergence: Season 1

1x04 No Outlet

Good. Ths show moves on quickly with the plot and doesn't stall. I like that.

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I think finding out what she was would make be love her more.

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Artificial life form was my third guess. Although with her 'electromagnetism' ability it should have been the first. I cannot believe she did not try the disc straight away on Piper. Stupid not to have done that and also not believable.

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I like that they're not wasting time in providing some answers to Piper's backstory, but I'm dinging this one hard for the way Jo treats her family. I'm just SO sick and tired of the whole "I have to keep this a secret" trope in scripts. Sure, she can't tell her family EVERYTHING, but she could stop being a jerk and tell them SOME of it. After all, they've already gone through a few weird events themselves and surely must know (or at least suspect) that there are...things going on.

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Piper is going to rewrite her code if she hasn't already. She's going to find out what she is, provided she doesn't know already. And the only way that she'll survive is to do just that. Maybe that's what makes her dangerous. She can break free from her programming. She can be independent. Maybe Augur Industries' goal is to create robots that aren't required to abide by their programming, and Piper is somehow the exception. At the same time, I think she may be an "evil" robot. I think she remembers everything following her "awakening" into existence, especially the incident in the video.

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