I honestly couldn't have thought of a more fitting ending. It was fantastic.

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Really nice ending to a great show! Farewell Sherlock and Joan, you'll be missed!

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I'm just not sure how I feel about the finale. When we ended up at a funeral I started to get mad but I got better. It was such a non ending. I've watched this show from day one and I'll miss it. This was never the best show on TV but it was always good. I enjoyed the show for what it did and what it didn't do. I'm glad they never put Sherlock in bed with Joan. That would have been easy (and weird). To start with everyone thought that's why they made Joan a woman.

I loved Joan's sense of style. Especially in seasons 4 and 5.

Jonny Lee Miller did a great job as Sherlock without damaging the character or stepping on any other Holmes's toes.

Aidan Quinn always added a serious tone and gravitas.

Once again I out live another group of fake friends. I miss them.

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This is their final bow. I've gone though thick and thin with this show. Survived a breakup. Survived a few dates afterwards. Elementary was always there, but now I have to let go. Every second of this journey has been fantastic and I'm happy the show ended with Joan and Watson together and ready to start again. Ready to start new adventures with Bell.

I'll do my best to start my own new adventures as well

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Perfect ending for our beloved duo. I will miss them dearly.

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They had me for a moment there, not gonna lie.
I really appreciated their non-sexual love for each other and how it was
portrayed over the course of this series. Very well done.

"I highlight the part that says cancer free" the subtle smirk on Holmes' face was great.
Not the best last episode but a good ending nevertheless.

...and the better kind of time jump if I compare this to the last episode of iZombie.

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Ok now I am depressed. I loved Joan and Sherlock

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What a load of crap! This season was absolutely abysmal. Why does Hollywood always manage to ruin good shows by turning them into soap operas?

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i don't even have words. I'll miss them!

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Shout by Tobi Bu

Spoilers in caption. Didnt finish season 1 entirely yet, now i know that moriarty is somehow becoming holmes love?????

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Shout by Ornaled

I’m kind of relief that this is the end. But I thought that the better ending would be if Watson really did die and Sherlock took Cassie under his wing.

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What a great show and good ending.

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