I had put out of my mind the memory of how fucked up the end of last season turned out. I would love the stuff to be resolved like it never happened. There's already a Sherlock in London so I want our knockoff back in NY. AND I want Joan's hair back in black.

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So, so happy to have this show back for one last run. Elementary has always been an actor's show, but this might have been one of the strongest episodes they've ever done in that regard. Not only were all the regulars at their best (Hill and Quinn in particular), but I don't think I've ever seen a better Saffron Burrows performance than the one scene she had here. And who knew Tamsin Greig had "steely, deadpan detective" in her locker?

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Oh WTF? I was kind looking forward to them working cases in London but of course they just had to make Watson start whine about being there. I'm sure this means they're going back to the US soon. Lazy f... writers.

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The end of last season sure was eventful. It's hard to see how it might be resolved so he could move back to NY—without the Captain's daughter being affected. Perhaps the Cap and his recent gunshot wound will play a part?

@anthoney65 – He's not a knockoff though! He's British, and did come over from London originally. I always thought this was the better show over "Sherlock" with Benedict Cumberbatch. Cumberbatch's "I'm a high-functioning sociopath!" exclamation in particular made me wince. a) The Sherlock character never was that and b) it looks as if the writers didn't even know what the word sociopath means. Terrible line. Character development in Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock has been streets ahead, too. Anyhow if he does move back to NY, I do hope they leave "Kitty" behind. I agree with other commenters about Joan's hair.

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This is the last ever season isn't it? I hope the Cap doesn't die. I don't want Marcus to leave. I hope Joan dyes her hair back when she returns to the US

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Spoiler Warning:
Hopefully the Captain makes it. Even if he was a bit of a jerk to Sherlock and Jane. I do wish they’d stay in England a bit longer though.

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