This is the first episode I remember thinking was really knocking it out of the park. Not because of the A story, which is quite good, but because of the B story. Exploring Watson's past and personal life as well as showing her coming into her own with her deductive skills is a great addition to the duo.

The only thing that kept me from giving this a higher rating is that noone did any computer forensics. By the time this episode aired, computer forensics had been around for over 15 years and most large police departments had teams and smaller ones had access. Holmes could have easily cloned the drive and done it himself. It isn't hard and there were plenty of tools that only required a meticulous nature and patience, both of which we know Holmes has when it comes to solving cases. Hell, in 2005, software I used to recover accidentally deleted code I wrote did most of the work for me. By 2012, it should have been even easier.

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The Microsoft product placement in this episode is straight up disgusting. A whole scene of this episode played like a Microsoft Surface ad. Jesus Christ, they have no shame...

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