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Doom Patrol 2019

With only 2 episodes this show has made more for the characters and story than Titans in 1 season and probably the next 2. Finally a good DC "show".

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Upto S1 E8 was decent and enjoyable but not memorable or great quality writing etc then it went Woke & Gender bs. Everything GoWokeGoBroke is true and from most reviews S2 is where it all goes downhill. I will complete S1 dor* as it is a weird show and I am curious how they end eaxh character plot in S1. Goodbye S2 Woke bs no plans to watch a decent show get worse.

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Doom Patrol is a surprisingly good show that you should watch. It has things in it that you would never expect. You would think it's just another super hero show but there is so much more to it then that.

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The first season was really good, the second ok, but the third sucked. I actually never started the fourth one. I'm out.

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Season 1 was pretty good. Had some good episodes in there and others not so much.
Season 2 is terrible. Season 2 episode 4 was one of the worst things I have ever seen on a screen. It's made me stop watching the show.

Try telling someone who hasn't watched the show about the episode, you sound like an idiot describing the dumbest dream anyone has ever had.

Tapping out and moving onto one of the other billion shows on my to watch list that don't involve a woman orgasming to save everyone at a sex party including ghosts.

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DCU is on a roll. This is an enjoyable show thus far. Much better than the Marvel crap on Netflix & Hulu. I wish DCU movies are good as the show like this. Anyway, I would recommend watching this show if you are into DCU, good actors, bizarre, good sound track, funny lines, etc.

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tried to keep up with it turned into snooze fest

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Omg, I watch al kind of si-fi but this show really sucks, stopt after the 2nd episode.

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Well, I dunno'. Just watched the 1st episode... and I have some issues with this. I give some more chances, but I am not hoping it is going to be better in my eyes.

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I loved the first two seasons of this show but season 3 isn't quite up to snuff as the first two.

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going down season after season

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This show is wayyyy underrated! It’s crazy, funny, goofy, hilarious, fun entertainment. Not at all what I was expecting and that’s what makes it so great. Definitely a must watch!!

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Good show. All characters are interesting and acted well but I have NO INTEREST in Larry. Honestly the show would be better without him at this point

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Another crap from DC TV series. I'm not a hater, but only somebody that felt this excruciating TV series as a pain in the....

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Such a shame. What started off as a wonderfully quirky and funny comic book adaptation, quickly turned into a off-the-charts silly caricature of itself, especially after the Dorothy debacle in season 3. Thankfully is it has been put out of its misery now.

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ok, after seeing the finale episode of the show it is time to ask THE question. I was waiting patiently to finish season 2, then i was wondering about season 3 and then i had hopes maybe on season 4 but it is not clear for me at all. So,

Has anyone legit understood what this show was about ?

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I like season 1 so much. I managed to watch season 2. But now i have to stop watching cus i was hoping it will get better after season 3 but it didn't.

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Clifford is the best character ever.

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Doom patrol maybe flawed like its characters, but this is part of the charm. Best super heroes TV series currently on TV

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I wish I could convince more people to give this show a chance. The combo of working through heavy subjects and over the top ridiculous plot points is the only reason why it works so well.

That stupid donkey almost single-handedly turned me off the series. Thank god, I powered through disgusting lowbrow humor to so many powerful episodes full of overcoming personal issues and self-acceptance in general... to just finishing an episode about were-butt that turned into zombie were-butt and I was even along for this ridiculous ride this time around.

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Best from Dc.Story about outcasts superhero's.It might feel weird about the synopsis.But once you start watching,it's all you need to watch.I bet anyone would cry at the 9th episode.
The speciality of this show is that every characters touches you including occasional villains.

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I really hope season 3 will leave this "little Mary sue" bullshit plot behind and make the story more interesting...

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Second season has felt like so much plot filler and it's going so slow but after season one was so good you can feel that it's all coming to a head now.

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Weird as fuck (So many WTF moments). Liked it though. I agree with one of the comment I saw though. It didn't have as much synergy.

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I really enjoying this show. The character development is interesting and captivating.

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I enjoyed the firs episode a lot, felt like a 'totally different' type of superhero series. Potentially as good as Deadpool.... that feeling only lasted that first episode and a little bit into episode 2. After that it turned crap. The lack of visible emotions on the robot and the bandage man dont help, but it all just feels so fake and ... just uninteresting. I do not care for the main characters at all, I dont feel their 'pain' so to say.
Only the girl with all the personalities is an interesting character and seems also a good actor.
I struggled through the next 5 episodes, fast forwarded episode 7 and 8 and... now I deleted the rest. I'm out.

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Oh shi... This shit is dark. Kinda like legion, bu so much better!

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Loved it!

Superhero programs are not my favourite; I prefer horror, fantasy and sci-fi, then probably superhero. Although my preferred genres are encapsulated in to Superhero.

I generally find a lot of the Superhero stuff a bit cheesy and repetitive. And DC doesn’t normally make good viewing.

However, this is genius! It modern, great writing, fantastic acting etc and absolutely loved the comedy element. The comedy part removes the cheesiness.

You won’t regret watching this, give it a try. I had a few good laughs. I won’t spoil anything; just wait for the giggles when a man is dancing and licking a saw...hilarious.

I hope you enjoy :blush:

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Brendan Fraser starring in a super hero zero show worth watching. I know you think i'm trolling, but i'm not.

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First episode was good. I did have an issue with a couple scenes having bad CGI, but nothing major (I still like to call it out when I see it). Although I enjoyed the history lesson on the characters, It should've been a 2 hour premiere instead an hour, you know, just to give people some more action scenes.

I can't comment on the entire season because it hasn't aired yet, but when I do, I'll update this post.

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Wait. A super hero show with hilarious unique writing, interesting characters, no forced romances AND LGBTQ+ rep that acknowledges the existence of nonbinary identities without making them into a joke? That exists now???

No spoilers but if you want to watch a badass black drag queen beat up a raging homophobe in a story of "fuck the system and don't let anyone tell you who you are", this show is for you.

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Another creative show headed down the toilet fast.

Hollywood, please stop ruining interesting intellectual property with your teen angst, immature characters with non stop personal drama mixed with woke homosexual tension.

All that does is get shows cancelled. Wake up!

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this show is positively terrible. not sure why I continue to watch it but I actually hate the show. there's nothing good or exciting about it. many better shows available to watch.

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Doom Patrol is like a bad car accident. You have no idea why, but you can't stop looking at it. It is so absurdly weird/bad/shitty yet my OCD keeps me engaged to the show. I hate my OCD. I loathe Doom Patrol! Friendly warning; do not start on this shitty show .. it only gets worse by each season.

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Shout by blackholeearth0
BlockedParent2021-12-26T14:55:38Z— updated 2023-12-01T18:00:20Z

season1 was ok.
s2 was ok.
s3 kinda mostly silly. there are good parts but mostly was bad for me.

6-7* for s3

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I don't have enough words to describe how amazing this show is compare to all the other DC shows, the writers are nothing short of stellar, they demonstrated how you don't need 'action' to make a story good or interesting, the character build up is top notch and heartwarming, every single actors are shining and they're showing their range and true talent. the art direction is amazing, the intro is absolutely mesmerizing, the music is wonderful, this show is nothing short of being an absolute gem to behold.

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This is a quirky show. Where most superhero shows often feel formulaic and/or repetitive, that is not the case with this one. Stylistically, this show is bonkers. While that does not necessarily make it good, it does make it unique. For me, the first season was easily the best, but the rest were pretty average with each season having some highs and lows. If you are a fan of superhero shows you really should at least check this one out!

Average Season Review: 7.75/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Superhero Fans)

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The end made me cry...

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Beta Omega Ramp Nana Gaga :do_not_litter:

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Loved it!

Superhero programs are not my favourite; I prefer horror, fantasy and sci-fi, then probably superhero. Although my preferred genres are encapsulated in to Superhero.

I generally find a lot of the Superhero stuff a bit cheesy and repetitive. And DC doesn’t normally make good viewing.

However, this is genius! It modern, great writing, fantastic acting etc and absolutely loved the comedy element. The comedy part removes the cheesiness.

You won’t regret watching this, give it a try. I had a few good laughs. I won’t spoil anything; just wait for the giggles when a man is dancing and licking a saw...hilarious.

I hope you enjoy :blush:

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Finally DC is making something good on TV !!! Teen Titans was a great surprise, but this one is even better. Still is not Marvel-Netflix level, but close. I love the dark humor on this one.

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Shout by Deleted

I like the first few episodes but it just became so boring

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I predict at some point the series will crossover with Titans and terrible, token Cyborg will join them.

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Good start, and a spin-off from the Titans. Pilot was good just hope they loose the narration going forward

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Trying a bit too hard to be quirky, which ends up making it sort of clichéd, but, I'll give it at least a few episodes before I make up my mind. Morden wants to be a leaf on the wind, so the world can watch him soar.....

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