What did I just watch?!?
After hearing a lot of talk surrounding this series, I decided to give it a go & OMG, it certainly lived up to the hype. The series follows a group of people who, after watching a video on the internet, where a guy is killing kittens, make it their goal to track this guy down.
I know there are those apprehensive about watching the series, given the subject matter, but thankfully it doesn`t show too much of the footage, often concentrating on the parts of the video before the acts take place. Its an unusual set up to a series, but things go even stranger, to a point where, if this were in a movie, you would say that it goes OTT. But this is real life. As the saying goes, fact is stranger than fiction.
In my opinion, this is one of these must watch shows, like making a murderer etc. Its not for everyone, but I think most people will be really captivated by the events of the story.

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Had my jaw on the floor for the entire time.
This is was so mind blowing it stayed with me for days...

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It feels like I am watching Mindhunter...Honestly, my hands sweat a lot...

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These Netflix true crime docs are on some other shit.

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Great series, very well made. I was surprised that no one addressed the third hand in the python video though.......

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All I can say is, that you will not expect what this shit is actually about.

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its exciting and 'thriller'-esque while watching it, but once the immersion breaks, thinking back on it, this is kind of absurd.
the entire 'amateur' investigation hinges on waiting for the guy to literally send them a message with his name. they paint themselves as being ahead of the police, but after the murder happens they have no role or contribution besides spectating as it develops. absolutely wild to have it painted as investigating and digging up clues when theyre really just reading the news and sharing it on facebook for the entire 2nd and 3rd acts.

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I found this to be very interesting. Somehow I missed any mention of this as it was happening. It was very cool to see how the amateur sleuths went about dissecting and fleshing out clues. Overall tho this is worth a watch.

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I'm half convinced that this is all made-up, but no, this is real. Really happened. I just. Wow. Deep condolences for Jun Lin's family.

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One of the best true crime docs, in large part because it's paced so well, and was an entirely appropriate 3 episodes, not the bloated drawn out 10 (or more).

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Unbelievable stuff. I felt sorry for his mother. A mother will defend her son until her dying breath .

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I have watched a lot of true crime documentaries but never have I ever felt this sick to my stomach. I usually can take a lot but this was too much.

First of all this is very well done. They did it very good and interesting with how the episodes are focusing on different parts of the story.

What I totally disliked was how they kept showing the videos and having the police department lady having a breakdown on camera even though she said to just stop for a minute. A miss from them was showing the actual murder (censored but you can clearly see what happens) video on screen for so long. Now Jun Lin’s mother will hear him die once again. It’s not fair to his family to have his death monetized like this.

The ending is seriously so badly done with Deanna, bitch you gave this man 2 years of attention while us watching this documentary give him 3 hours, and then blame us. He is at least stuck inside jail where he should be but at least he won’t know how many watched the documentary.

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Netflix is really knocking it out of the park with these true crime documentaries. This is another fantastically created series.

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Shout by HopeTrash

omit 4chan's help and research and claim it was the epic facegroup group who also get a innocent dude killed in the meantime. Cringe documentary, giving a animal killer a documentary is good!!! 4chan bad!!!!

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Netflix has so many good documentary series on true news stories that people have either forgotten about or never heard of. This is just another example, as this follows the 2010 story about a building serial killer/psychopath who began his terror on the internet and made it a game as people digitally chased him. The way they had the two main people from the true story as the main characters in the documentary was great. The filming of it how they build the story up and have the interviewees go back and act as if they were back in the past when the story was still developing was really well done. Lastly, the way the filming is done as it goes back and traces their digital steps in a high intensity was very entertaining.

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Shout by Lauren

absolutely mental, had heard of luka before but didn't realise this was about him until like half way through, hated the kitten videos, made me wanna cry.

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Put this on not knowing it was actually about Luca Magnotta. I remember seeing it in the trending shows for a while so I am surprised I am only watching it now. However my jaw was on the floor when I realized these cat videos are being linked to Luca Magnotta. So as a fellow Canadian I admired that element of surprise considering I remember exactly where I was when I found out about the mailed body parts at parliament. Once that part came I knew the rest of the story from watching it unfold in the news. But I can see how this is a great documentary that tells the complete story.

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Overall, I liked this show. The ending felt a bit hypocritical, and the reaction to the human murder seemed a bit lacking compared to the reaction to the cat killings, but that was all fairly minuscule. I found the twists really intriguing.

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I would have preferred this story much more w/out so much input from Luka Magnotta's mother. The filmmakers could've just as easily introduced the character of Manny w/out placing the mother front-and-center as an apologist for her animal abusing, murderous son. There was no need for her input, other than maybe some background on Luka's upbringing. Even then, any information from the mother was tainted by her severe bias. It was pretty clear, she believed what she was saying, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that she's a Republican who believes in any number of right-wing conspiracies. She's that far off the deep-end.

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Don't F*** with Cats is an exceptional documentary that takes you on a wild ride you never saw coming. The series kept me engaged from start to finish, with its intense storyline and unexpected twists. It's a must-watch for anyone who loves true crime and wants a gripping, thrilling experience.

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Kinda contradictory.
He committed mur*d3r3d bc he wanted attention, they did a documentary with his story, showing the videos and his photos but... suddenly YOU can be a complicit for "stay at home watching a fucking documentary" ?? I think you're more complicit than me on the 5u1c1d3 of that innocent guy that you and your "justice group" persecute.

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watched this because someone recommended it to me and all i can say was, "holy fudge, i wasn't expecting for this". Literally mind-blowing, disturbing, and heart-breaking to watch.

Now, every time i see a cat, I can't help but think of this docuseries :( it's so painful to watch, especially, the first episode (it has the most gruesome scenes out of the 3 eps. Though not very detailed but still uncomfortable to watch). Please please brace yourself when you start watching this :(((

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I remember seeing the Title of this and found it interesting that it was called this..So I decided to watch not knowing what I'm about to watch..It's crazy how it starts off and how it goes into what it is.

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Don't watch it. Rest in peace Jun Lin.

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This documentary just sucked me in. I want more like these! Definitely a mind trip.

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One of best if not the best netflix docuseries.

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