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Dominion 2014

I really liked Legion so I had high hopes for Dominion. The premise is great and the sets and costumes are cool but the execution was kind of shit. I don't feel for any of the characters and the acting's flat and boring. It's like watching a trainwreck. A boring trainwreck

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Shout by Deleted

Great news that this show has finally been picked up for a second season. Personally I thought season one was good, hopefully season two will be even better to guarantee more of this great show.

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The attacked by an angel concept is interesting. "Angels are man's natural enemy!"

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Listen, I actually really enjoyed the movie but didn't it bomb really bad? So how did they come to the idea to make a whole series sequel :weary:

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IMDB has this show FREE with commercials. I never did see the entire show. It has a lot of great fight scenes. Now that I'm able to take a closer look at the show, I can see the CGI in many of the winged flight scenes looked fake. But, the acting is good enough that it still has my attention.

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Shout by NanaOsei

how can I download this series

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how can I download this series

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Not the worst show I´ve ever seen but it suffers from the same as the feature.

The plot could have been much more interesting but writing was mediocre for most parts with very few exceptions. The cast wasn´t great either and as a result so is acting. Those lower angels reminded me to much of zombies which, for me, didn´t sell them. As I said the plot had promise but it degenerated to much in your typical post-apocalytic szenario where the members of the elite try everything to stay in power while the actual story of humanitys struggle for survival becomes an afterthought. Maybe this would have been corrected had the show gone on, the second season finale had some interesting things going that could have developed well. But like with other canceled show we´ll never know.

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Shout by Deleted

İs it real that the show has come to an end ??

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Shout by Deleted

Soooo boring ! Why am I still watching this ? The actors are so bad !

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I think the show has potential, but Christopher Egan was a bad casting choice for the lead character. And he walks really... weird o.o

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Officaly renewed for another season.

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could have casted better, n I expected more n better action far the series is mediocre

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Shout by Alex

Yo, Syfy, how about you'd follow your own god damn motto and IMAGINE GREATER, since this is certainly not it. A random episode of Supernatural is more entertaining and better thought out than this trainwreck so far. But how could it be any better being based on that godawful movie... what were they thinking!

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Shout by Deleted

Looks good

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Ok, I have to revise my previous shout;
Dominion is a pretty cool show.
I'm not a fan of the whole Angel-God-Human theater. It's so cliché, isn't it?
But-, but, this show is really great, so much better than some other shows airing this season.
Good & simple story, not groundbreaking; good characters; cast's OhK... worth my time- can't wait to see more.

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Definitely exceeded my expectations...then again I wasn't expecting to much. The action is fun and the storyline is least so far. Definitely a watch though, expecially if pseudo-biblical stories/media interests you

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the action is okay but the storyline might just become thin since it derives itself from biblical characters

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the action is okay but the storyline might just become thin since it derives itself from biblical characters

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Shout by Deleted

Really enjoyed the pilot..furthermore, i am not afraid to admit that i quite enjoyed legion as well...but the pilot was really good and totally exceeded by expectations.


Cant wait to watch more

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Shout by Alex

So they based this on the apparent mess that is that "Legion" movie? ...why?
Well I'm not too convinced by the pilot tbh... but lets see what's there to come.

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