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DMZ 2022


Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2022-03-18T21:02:00Z— updated 2022-03-20T21:24:55Z

[HBO Max] The comic made a harsh criticism of the manipulation of journalism in war zones, but the objective of the series turning the protagonist into a doctor in search of her son is not clear. An inclusive story that is as classist as it claims to be, using all the stereotypes about minorities. The feigned depth turns into deep boredom. Only fragments remain of the graphic novel. John Carpenter did it better in "Escape from New York" (1981), one of the references to the original.

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No idea what this show is about. No background given. Watched it but was confused the whole time as to why this show needed to be made. Maybe they should’ve done 8 episodes & better build the story.

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This is tv's version of single use plastic and as bad as single use plastic is this is worst.
I think this HBO made this show just to pad their program catalogue . I'm glad I don't have to pay for this shite.
No disrespect to the actors.

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No idea if this lived up to the Graphic Novel as I have not read that. But somehow, I kind of doubt it did. This is a mediocre post(?) civil US civil war story. At only 4 episodes it would appear that there was a lot of story left out. This would have been better with more episodes and more background on the civil war itself.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Benjamin Bratt. Hoon Lee. Bravo to these two. Fucking disappeared into these roles and carried this show on their backs.

It is fascinating to me how much Zee conforms to the "white savior" stereotype (without being white). She just shows up in this dangerous, exotic land and all the sudden everyone's like "damn, she's better at DMZ politics than all the people who have actually lived here the past X years". In a way, I'm glad that women of color get to have these stories now too.

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Rosario was fine. But Hoon Lee is more compelling than ever. Love that guy.

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This is the worst show I've watched in years I stuck with it hoping it would get better, it didn't!

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ng, and somewhat unbelievable. unbelievable because in a few short days, she's their new governor and didn'tquite understand the divided America. I don't see..a 2nd season in the future, pretty much had their final climax and now sleep time r . . . . ..r . . .

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its difficult to watch and the storytelling is worse. thus could be a nice show

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Skipping based on comments here and everywhere

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Started off interesting in ep1-2 but grew into an all female savior shit show after that. Kind of disappointing to be honest. I expected more civil war background and drama outside of the family.
I enjoyed the actors’ performance.

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