"my life has always been truth-adjacent"—an iconic line already.

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Welcome back Dexter Morgan :hearts: God I missed him so much! And Deb too omgawd I'M SO HYPED!!!!
So glad they didn't change the music either it felt so nostalgic.
This season is a dream come true. I have tears in my eyes of happiness.

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Tonight’s the Night. Hello, Dexter Morgan.

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This episode was fantastic. It set up alot and my goodness it's gorgeous. Im not sure if anyone feels this way but coming from 1080p to now 4k HDR in widescreen to me it was a mind F hahah. Loved the first episode.

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Great first episode. I knew being on Showtime there would be some woke crap in it. There was plenty of wokeness and diversity in the first episode. I hope they got it all out of their system and we can now just enjoy this great show again. I can only guess why Dexters son has shown up to find him. (Missing Girls) maybe :smiling_imp:

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I’m happy to see this character back, but what on earth did they do to the cinematography and colour grading?
Where did the vibrancy of this show go?
I absolutely hate this ugly, washed out, low contrast, ‘modern’ look, it looks cheap as hell.

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It was alright. I don't like Debra as the new Harry.
I hope Harrison doesn't become Dexter's new protege. The writers already tried that with other people.
No interesting side characters so far.
I don't mind the new setting or the slower pace but for 11 more episodes? Jury's out.

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Motherfucker's back! Tonight's the Night

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Harrison is pretty big for a 10 year old.

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Girl asks how much for the burger. No fries muthafucka! :joy:

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Hello Dexter Morgan!
Returning back to Dexter is like finding a bottle of your favorite whiskey and taking that first sip.
I'm hoping all those old and new Dexter fans come on board because episode 1 did not disappoint!

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"Tonight's the night. Hello, Dexter Morgan."

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This season can’t be as bad as the last 2.

I watched those. If I can do that I can watch this no matter the reviews.

Was the season opener great. No.

Do I like seeing Dexter back in action? YES.

I did miss theme intro. Hope they bring it back.

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Red is a nice contrast agains white… the first episode made me exited again about Dexter!!! Can we have an applause for Michael C. Hall!!!

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Well, that was a let down

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“Life is short, dude.” :heart_eyes:

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I wasn't happy with how Dexter ended and would prefer to erase the last couple of seasons. That being said I'm so so happy for this bonus continuation. A wonderful, sloping pace as we watched him slowly unravel; finally giving into his dark passenger as we all expected (and wanted).
Having Debra as his conscience is a nice touch. Also makes it all the more easy to see how similar looking Bishop is too! That's gotta be intentional!

No idea where this mini series will go but I'm definitely on board for the ride.

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I absolutely love and think that is not a coincidence that his gf looks A LOT like Debra.

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Honestly not bad. A welcome back to dexter episode.

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Well, that was a disappointment for me

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That works surprisingly well. I mean not really much happens anyway but in a good way. Not every show gets the chance to make good on its screwed final season. Scenery is like the best bits of Fargo (1st season) and Breaking Bad (last season). You immediately understand the life that Dexter is living up there. The slow pace supports this description. But you also realize the temptations Dexter has to fight. This works so well because the audience knows him better than the people in that town.

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Good enough. I'm glad Debs is in it despite being a bit dead. I wonder if his son has a bit or serial killer instincts. I think he'll find out.

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I am very happy after this first episode. Hello Dexter Morgan.

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I think I've never fangirled in my life like during this episode.
Didn't rewatch the 8 season before that, but perhaps I'll have a run-over once this is done.
To be honest, I'll be fine if they even continue for a few more years. Michael C. Hall got back on that horse so brilliantly, I think he made this character much deeper now.
Amazing event for the world of television, I believe, and for me - 50% of that is just him. We're so lucky to have him :broken_heart:
My God, the way his face reacted when he heard the boat story - a twitch and almost tears, like "why are you doing this to me? Why are you tempting my dark passenger?"
I'm SOOO hooked.

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Great episode. I'm already hooked and looking forward to next Sunday.

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It's gonna be great... limited time of great. I'm one of those who appreciated the original finale...and I think if after 10 years they can bring Dexter back...why not deliver more tha. just this one season. But then... maybe they'll think it through.

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Apparently Matt never watched John Wick before shooting Dexter;s deer :D

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Everyone reading this, do yourself a favor and watch this series, especially "Dexter" seasons 1-8... Welcome back Dexter Morgan, you crazy Fucker!

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your dad going to teach you how to survive ... Dexter 2.0

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Genius music choice for the opening!

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let's make every episode count. this my #1 show.

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Happy Dexter is back! Awesome first episode! But it's hard to watch knowing it's just the one season what a terrible tease!

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a very low inspiring beginning with no pay out.... bad writing, no character motivation ...just auto 'plot' passing trough your screen mindlessly. I expect nothing and still got disappointing. The new public has no brain so I think they'll enjoy it.

I miss 2000- 2010... now we have this political propaganda disguised as series and are supposed to enjoy being brain washed

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Shout by Tasa24

Blood on snow brought Fargo memories back... I'm expecting to see buckets of it :grin:
I was very negative about Dexter's return, but I have to admit that I enjoyed the premiere.

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I usually don't have high hopes for revivals but fifteen minutes in I realized I was holding my breathe waiting for Dexter to start narrating and, well, killing. Suffice to say, it had me at "Showtime presents."
I did like the episode, but I'm starting to think this is going to be less of a revival and more of a satisfying end. I'm not a big fan of "satisfying" ends, I liked the original finale but no turning back now.

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