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Devs: Season 1

1x08 Episode 8

I do not think there exists an ending to a show like this that leaves its audience satisfied. Good enough!

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This was just Awesome! Do you remember wenn Forest asks Katie if the others even have an idea what they are really working on? That was his plan! From the beginning! Well, not the moment of death, but creating the perfect world. Based on the collected data from the simulation. That is also the reason why he was so sure about himself when he said a messiah ressurrects. For him, it was never about looking into the future in the first place. Also, beeing a Simulation which is self aware of the situation, threatend to be shut down would make a great plot for season two. Even if the pace was quite slow sometimes, the plot was complex and well thought with a lot of hints for this ending, scattered across the whole season.

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Not a very satisfying ending. Could’ve been left more up to the interpretation of the viewer a lot more. Overall a cool looking and sounding show which didn’t quite stick the landing but asked some cool questions in the process

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An interesting philosophical and religious proposal that loses strength in the development. The behavior of some characters is not convincing and the ending is inconsistent. We have the feeling that it's a series that takes itself too seriously.

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Why didn't she just shoot the machine? Cause a chain-reaction & blow it all up?

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This was just one of the endings/beginnings for them both in the sim. I want to see the bad versions for them and where those go.

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Well there you go,all explained? ? Very interesting concept which didn't quite live up to my expectations. The last 2 episodes could have been merged in to one. Anyway, a good watch if you can open your mind to the Multiverse!

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Some really good ideas here but this was a show you could watch on fast forward mode.

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I really think I just had a mismatch of expectation and reality for this series based on Garland's prior work. I think it might be totally on me.

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Hmm, that ending doesn't make much sense. Why would there be a mile-high statue of his daughter and the company named Amaya when she's clearly alive in this version of reality?

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So the determinism of the universe was completely shattered because Lilly is the first person in existence to make a real choice. Oh and when they die their consciousness is transferred into the simulation by...magic? And the simulated Lilly and Forest blinked out of existence I suppose?
What lazy writing...

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Terrible ending. Stupid. Seriously hope they don’t make season 2. Complete waste of time.

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Tbh this didn't tread any ground that hasn't been covered before. It just sprinkled some religion in there too and was about 4 episodes too long. Still think the acting and dialogue was poor too.

When you get into simulation theory I think Root said it best:
"Schrödinger said, at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, just shapes. A shape, you know, nothing firm. What it means is that the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. I like that idea-that even if we're not real that we represent a dynamic. A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite-a shape. And, then we're gone. Listen, all l'm saying, is that if we're just information, just noise in the system, then we might as well be a symphony."

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An OK ending to a very good show.

I didn’t like the way it played with my emotions, making it seem like it was all a dream, which would have been a spectacularly terrible ending. For the first few minutes after Lily woke up I was willing to go along, knowing the show wouldn’t do something that dumb, but they kept it up long enough that I was wondering if maybe they did.

The Deus thing was clever when Forest said it, but then the show had to go and beat us over the head with it.

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What is this self-indulgent remedial art school monstrosity I just watched?

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Good show like it but is this the end ?

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Good show like it but is this the end

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