17.02 Abgründe

An old friend of Martin's is set to marry, but the husband isn't who he appears to be. On the homefront, Lisbeth fesses up to her tremor, Jens-Torben pops up again and rejects his parents' plans for him.

The case was okay, but I wonder what that guy's eating as he apparently can't process any protein. He claims not to eat any fish, but no mention about meat, but then he's nearly dying of protein overdose when he develops a bleeding ulcer. So... And Lisbeth: We all know it's not going to be Parkinson's but some kind of psychosomatic tremor. And honestly, who cares. Still like Martin and Karin (even though they appear to be setting up Caro and Martin?). And Hans should finally get over himself. I mean "this and that has to be done and then you may go to your office"... WTH?? The farm is his business (and that it doesn't run well when all the women don't show up, Anne, Lisbeth, Lilli might tell us something about Hans's non-existing business skills), not Martin's.

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