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Deadloch 2023

Be patient b4 writing off this show! I almost stopped watching after three eps, and it has at least three levels of humour:

1. the very obvious, almost slapstick style.
2. darker, more British, slow burn style, that it took me a few episodes to tune into, underneath #1
3. more in your face, a combination of the above two, still kind of subtle, almost ironic commentary on small town life & discrimination- sexism, racism, classism, homophobia, heteronormality and probably more;...

cos I was busy writing it off for the level 1 humour, which is in itself perhaps a fourth level of humour - In small town Aussie life it is the crazy larger than life characters and attitudes that take up all the space.

Perhaps it tries to be too many things. work at too many levels, but it is rewarding at different levels too, if you give it a chance

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The humor got me right away but I had reservations about the story and if the mystery would hold up all the way through. I'm happy to say that it was even better than I had hoped for.

If there's a second season, as long as Abbie is in it, count me in.

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Great show, great writing, great acting and the funny things in it are really funny. Really love this show, hope they are prepping a second season because this one is awesome.

The people who don't like it...maybe they should not watch it my humble opinion

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The first 3 episodes are ridiculously painful. But if you can drag yourself through them and make it to the 4th episode, it improves significantly from there, and actually becomes an enjoyable show.

And the finishing was actually pretty good. I didn’t call it. And they even give hints of a setup for a second season, that I’m hoping actually comes.

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I had reservations to watch this but it got interesting half way through. The main story line is good.

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How is this a comedy? I could only bear to watch until half of the second episode, some characters are unbearable!

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As a cisgender, hetero white man, I can say that this show is great. Watch the show, if you don’t get why I said that. Hoping for a season 2.

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Agree with another comment, the first 3 episodes are a bit painful, aka annoying. but the story is twisting and turning and really good once you get into it. You'll never see it coming.

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Unfunny, unbelievable environment and characters. Overacted by everyone due to over the top exaggerated personalities of all around unlikeable characters that annoy the hell out of you in the name of "comedy". This show sells stupidity to its audience as entertainment and puts a rainbow undearneath it in an attempt to protect itself from any criticism ("Feminist Noir Comedy").

Less a comedy than it is a (shallow) caricature of a comedy with a heavy side of third-wave-feminism, you know, the toxic kind that reverses sexism and calls it a day (I guess here the caricature feel comes from, see character Redcliffe). Absolutely terrible on all ends.
Seems like one of the shows you either love for its "quirkyness" or "hate" for its stupidity and low effort.

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Great show. The Australian Fargo.

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there is one character that absolutely ruins this show.

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Kelly and Jory recommend this

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Good fun but get a little silly sometimes.

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Very Australian humour. I thought the first ep was over the top in a lot of ways and there was certain parts of the confrontation with the murderer that were dumb, but the story, characters and dialogue were ace. Great work, I hope there is a second season.

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The humour and writing style felt very familiar to me. I was thinking "There's some familiar derpy Aussie humour..", until I saw at the start of the second episode that this show is written by the two Kates from "The Katering Show". This show makes perfect sense to me now. I'm just going to keep watching to see the shenanigans. :grin:

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The first 3 episodes are good, hope that it'll get better.

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