Another excruciating plinky plonky haha hihi episode written by a bunch of 16-year old girls who still giggle at the word sex and love hating on the patriarchy and other oh so hot topics we've been hearing for a while now.

As a completionist I dread to realize that I still have 6 more episodes to go of this stuff but thankfully I can say that this is the last season I'll watch.

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Behrad, ever since he showed up at the beginning of season 5, just fit into the team. He was never bad, never outstandingly good, he just fit well. But man, it was good that he got an episode centered around him.

Also: this season compared to the others feels less bonkers when it comes to craziness, and the main storyline is not that strong either, but the team (and by that I mean literally every single one of them) works so well in every episode that they can sell even the most lackluster ideas. I could just watch this low-key episodic stuff week by week and not care what happens to the Fountain.

Totally hyped that we are getting Zari 1.0 back for a time!

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Nice to see Behrad get a dedicated episode, especially one focusing on how he'd be a completely different person if his past was changed.

I was hoping that we would learn more in the episode about the deal with Rory and his daughter was though. When she first calls him she expects that he's been in some kind of dangerous incident and is worried for him, and when they meet she says that he just completely disappeared from her life for the last entire year with no explanation. It sets it up as some kind of mystery that something happened with Mick or the timeline that made him disappear, then the episode doesn't go anywhere with either of those pieces of information. Pretty much ignores that they were even stated.

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As has been the case all season, the cast does a good job of making the most of the script that they've been given. But, as usual, the script is once again pathetic. I've gotten used to Rory's arc being lame, but nothing else here was clicking, either. The show just hasn't had the humor and fun and charm that I have gotten used to since season 2, and it's never been more obvious than in this one.

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I kept waiting for the ironic twist that would make it all OK and it never came

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"This is Us" LOL!
Everything is INSANE, and I love it. All the shade they throw and digs they take make the show what it is, if you enjoy satire, this show hits the sweet spot (ya know, just like Kayla evidently did with Rory). * wink * Beebo would be proud. LMAO!

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I hope they cancel this show for good. Its time for that. Please!

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Shout by Lilly

zari 1.0! yesss im glad they can switch between the zaris whenever at least so eveeyone can be happy

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Oof I struggled to get through this episode. The show is basically just a parody of itself by now which I like but sometimes they go a little too far. This episode was a little too much for me. It's just lacking the OG Legends magic of way back when.

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This is Gay, is the right title of this episode. What a waste of time. Anyone who hasn’t watched this episode yet, just don’t. You can skip to last 1 minute of the episode & it will be summarized.

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