Mona has been a terrific addition and single-handedly made the B-plot better than the A in this one. (Although Hank fanboying all over Hemingway wasn't bad, either.)

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Mona is everything. I love her so much

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Why would they need a budget for clothes when we know and have seen that the ship has a replicator?

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- I need a Marcel.

Mick Rory always cracks me up!

Is anyone else also rooting, like, really hard for Nora and Haircut together forever? Never before in this show a potential relationship pulled me in as much as this one.

I swear, this episode was so inpolitically correct...

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I like Biff! Lol. Need Michael J. Fox to appears as well haha

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"You're really drinking the Hemingway kool-aid, and by kool-aid I mean Scotch." I love this show.

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