Going a wee bit too far to the farcical side... Which might have been the point!

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Damn this Mona character is like an annoying spoiled child that you want to see slapped by the parents SO HARD. Get her away from my screen please.

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This is actually one of the veeeery few episodes in this great show that is actually very boring for me. And among the weak episodes this is the most boring for me. Hope next one goes back to being great again haha. Still a very fun series overall though.

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Curious about who this trypophobia inducing villain is and why his powers cause some kind of resonance in Nora. I'm all for new storylines involving her!

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Yes this show can even make a Smokey and the Bandit episode work.

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When this show premiered I thought it was the best show of the Arrowverse. Now, it's just meh. So many things have changed on the show that could have been the catalyst to it going downhill. Was it when Earth Prime Leonard died? Was it the dissolution of Firestorm? Was it when Ray put The Atom aside? The addition of Kid Flash? Was it the Jonah Hex episode? Was it the heavy inclusion of the Time Buerau? There are SO many more things. I will say that having Constantine on board is great but I think he needs his own show again because with the Legends he seems less Constantiney. All in all, I long for the crossover episodes with the ENTIRE Arrowverse. Now I'm stuck on hanging onto the DCU television shows....

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Finally! More Nora. I know not everyone likes her but I realllyyy do! I want to see her relationship with Ray develop further plus she'd be a great asset to the team! Also; yes yes yes to Zari and Nate!

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Nora did a poor job of telling Nate very quickly that it was a demon what killed your pa

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Mona wearing the same clothes she ripped off last episode was soo disturbing

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Last episode's plot wasn't that strong, I admit it. But now, whoa, the truth bug, all of Nixon's scenes, every single movie references and one-liners were so darn good, even the seriously taken parts landed well! And I must say, they are getting better and better at handling this much characters and plotlines, so I'm a bit sad there's only 6 episodes left, but oh man, I can't wait to see what they're gonna surprise me with next time!

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