I don't watch Arrow. But Captain Jack!!!

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Shout by Mark Linton

Interesting episode. With the Legion of Doom It felt like they may finally have a place for Malcolm Merlin. He's been floating around the Arrowverse for a few years with no real purpose.
Also, it looks like Rip Hunter has turned up again. I was really enjoying the show with him absent, Arthur Darvill doesn't add anything to the show.
Then there's the whole time travel thing. I swear I'm going to lose my mind the way Legends handles it. Sarah basically said "screw the timeline", one week after giving Barry the holier-than-though speech during the 4-night crossover. The writers need to stop flogging Barry over Flashpoint, it's small potatoes compared to the damage the Legends have caused.

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Legends villains so far just take the worst villains from arrow and flash and it’s pretty boring, I’ve had enough of malcom. Can’t wait till they’re fighting puppets.

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I like this show better than The Arrow

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Bored of the special guest, please KILL HIM NOW!

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motherfking rip hunter people..... woohoo

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