I don't really ship Kendra and Ray

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Am I the only one wondering if Sara, Ray and Kendra are actually two years older than the rest of the team?

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Amazing episode! I hope that they keep it at this level

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The scene of Snart freezing his hand made me think about T-Bag in Prison Break.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Oh man the team! <3 epic takedown! Was some great stuff this ep. Interesting that Talia was introduced. I had assumed she just didn't exist in this version of events.

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this series' script is so bad!!! and most of the acting too. but i like it, it's my guilty pleasure for sure. sara is the best character and i loved to see talia and rah's al guhl, directly from the batman stories. everything that involves kendra, ray, jax, martin or rip hunter is boring to me. rory and snart are played by terrible actors but i like their dynamic. reasons i like the show: sara, connections with the dc universe, my love for heroes and the sci-fi themed adventures. the heroes costumes and special effects are pretty decent too.

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really enjoy getting to see the League of assassins back in the day it's also fun to see the characters getting used to the idea of maybe being stuck in the past

Also the Kronos reveal while I do remember seeing it coming a mile away it's still really fun and heat waves character becomes a lot more interesting after it

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Quite a good episode, don’t like Kendra much, but the fact 2 years have just passed for ray and Sarah and who knows how many years for Rory, quite interesting, finding out who chronos was was cool too.

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I have an idea that Cronos is what's his face who is not dead

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Finally! The best episode so far, hope the rest is keeping up.

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What happened to those left behind

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Shout by chair

Mick Rory being Chronos was a nice twist. The idea briefly occurred to me before, but I never seriously thought that's how it will turn out. I bet Sara's even more badass now, after sharpening her skills by training with the League a second time. I wish that Snart would have gotten a cool robohand though. And they really could have wasted less time on Kendra and Ray' lovers spat.

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