So why didn't Snart just freeze tje plunger in position? Too many martyrs spoil the episode.

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Goddammit Snart you beautiful bastard <3

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I was gonna give this a 9 but since the producers really wanted that kiss i give it a 7. What a coincidence that for 14 episodes they had an amazing friendship and during the one he dies they fall in love ..

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Snart could have just froze the damn thing in place. What a waste.

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Shout by Deleted

Poor Snart, he was soo funny. I really wanted to see him and Sarah as a couple, they were just perfect for each other.

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Better than the previous episode (which IMO was the worst). Sad to see Snart go. Let's hope time travel fixes his death somehow.

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Shout by Deleted

Great episode! However I am sad to see Snart's end. However I have heard that Wentworth has signed on with Warner Brothers and will be back in Legends and Flash. How they are going to do it, no clue.

Here is the article:

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Why didn't anyone put a stick or whatever thing to hold the other thing in place? Really people... I'm ofended

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Way better than last two episodes, I quite liked it which gives me hope for the finale, I really liked snart though but I knew he was gonna die as I’ve seen it before so it wasn’t as sad. IMO better than the last arrow and flash episodes aswell, hopefully like this the quality of those shows will improve in the pre finale

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Nice! They stole that scene from Back to The Future, you know the one

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So the stupid decisions on one side that lead to a mess are reversed by stupid decisions on the other side to (somewhat) bring the ship on course again. But we are still left with an episode that is full of holes.
And doesn't this episode render the whole first season pointless.

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Preparing the season finale, to see what they do

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Why he didn't froze his arm on that?

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Shout by Sarah

Snart couldn't have frozen it because someone would have had to hold it down while he did so. Unless someone was going to volunteer to have their hand frozen and then hacked off then that plan wouldn't have worked. Plus, the explosion would have likely melted the ice and then they'd be back to square one.

A better question would be; Wouldn't Firestorm be able to absorb the blast?

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Shout by chair

Time masters releasing Mick as soon as he named himself Chronos is seriously far-fetched, but apart from that this was a really great solid episode. Although I'm bummed about Snart dying (though I gave a misplaced chuckle when he turned into Ultron with his choice of famous last words; yeah I know wrong universe, blah blah blah), but maybe they'll find a way to get him back, like they did with Carter.

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Shout by Alim

brb crying for the death of a legend

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