ray vs the robot was the highlight of the season for me so far. Not killing savage annoyed the shit out of me, and I want to kill Kendra with my own bare hands for choosing one dude's mind(not his actual life) over the fate of the entire world.

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That was so pathetic, holy shit. Just kill Carter and he'll be reincarnated. Jeez.

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I was like, enough with the drama, JUST SHOW US THE GIANT ROBOTS FIGHT

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Giant robots fighting each other? Sign me the fuck up.

Yet can't help but feel annoyed about Kendra choosing a possibility to un-brainwash one of the numerous reincarnations of the man she barely knows and who's not even from her timeline over millions of other people and the future of their entire planet. Come oooon.

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Shout by Alex Coman
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-06-22T20:47:16Z— updated 2018-12-24T10:03:16Z

This episode was poor for an amount of reasons.

2) 1 minute into the episode and Savage looks into the camera... WHAT THE HELL lol.
3) Cassandra was instantly like "yo, I'm his daughter, eat that" when she could've kept it from them so they wouldn't know Savage would come for her (theoretically, she was loyal to him at that time because they hadn't told her about his implications in releasing the virus yet)

I'm generally frustrated with this episode for some other reasons as well, but these are the main ones. This could've easily been the finale, but they wanted to go even further... I hope they don't let me down with the final 3 episodes.

There's a gold star for this episode too, though: GIANT ROBOT BATTLE!

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Ok this was the lamest episode ever, seriously I was so angry ! and this is like a really bad version of 12 monkeys with the time travelling and fate and a Virus, they even have their own Cassandra with blonde hair, And Kendra not being able to kill Savage because of a guy who's going to reincarnate anyway? writters must think we're dumb... seriously and that Ray scene kicking the Leaviathan was so cool :D but kind of made me think of Civil War and the Antman getting big xD I feel like this show copies everything :/ really disappointed, also i'd like to see Sarah fighting more !

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That was just ridiculous. Kendra is stupid. No show has make me so angry before. One life over millions of Lives and you can't make a sacrifice? Oh Kendra, either you love Ray or Carter, but pick a Bloody side!!! Just end him up. I Wonder why didn't Rip shot Carter, If you kill him, he'll reincarnate. it's so simple. bothing like time travel and stuff. If you kill him, he reincarnates. if you kill Savage, he dies once and for all so Kendra's Answer? I love Carter and I can't kill the one who took him away from me. Just stupid.
Ray killed a giant robot, a robot and you can't just kill a Man who is going to kill millions of people including Rip's wife and son. You had only one task, and you missed. Kendra, you have failed this show!!!

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sooooo many loop holes why not just kill carter he will reincarnate and just kill savage ??? it doesnt make sense ? that would be the most logical situation i could think of. Oh and vent the atmosphere from the cell so i dont have to listen to savage bicker please .

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There been like 500 carters why would you sacrifice the whole world just to save the memory of one. I hate Kendra. Hope she isn’t in season 2.

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I don't bloody believe it. They failed again. Kendra is such a stupid cow. There are 1000's and 1000's of lives at risk and she fucks up yet again. Bash his bloody head in.

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OK, I understand you won't kill Savage at this point of the show but, c'mon, who writes such weak crap ? How will they ever come up with a convincing way now to kill Savage at any time now ? IF they even plan to do it that is. I said this is a take-it-as-it-is kinda show but that episode alone would be reason to drop the show right here and now.

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i hate kendra soooo much!

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Shout by will0

Ok, seriously, Rip should have just pointed his gun at Carter's head and said, "Kendra, Carter will come back if I shoot him in the head right now, maybe, but Savage won't if you bash his head in. So either kill Savage, or I kill Carter."

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Shout by C Monster

Didn't think Ray had it in him.

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Shout by Darth Az

Stupid "heroes never can kill their friends" rule U_U

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they gave ciara renée one of the worst characters ever, oh my god. how can a team with so many ALLEGEDLY smart people make so many dumb decisions, this script is something else fr. i just keep watching for the scifi heroes thing, for the promising future seasons, and for sara lance.

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The look in Ray's face when he got up to finally kill the robot was good and Rips look was of such betrayal. It was sad to see that. How can he forgive Kendra?

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SO INTENSE! The robot fight was frigging awesome and Jax's reactions are the best!! XD
Really enjoyed Snart and his new bestie's scenes XD I really like her! I hope we get to see more of her later
Would've been a perfect episode if not for Kendra's selfishness and stupidity!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Okay that was pretty lame. One guys memories over the world? And it's a Carter from another timeline anyway? Jfc show that is weak.

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kicking asses and when the end we invent an excuse and moors all

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