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Man!!! this show has already got me hooked....

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I find it very amusing that Arthurt Darvill plays the part of a time master considering his previous role in Doctor Who XD

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Shout by Deleted

Well, this was one bad pilot. Maybe im just to old for this. the 1st 20 mins are one of the worst acting i seen in tv shows.

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Good special effects, but very poor. bad acting (too campy), slow fighting choreography (seen teenagers move better). Couldn't get through it. I don't believe any of these characters - might be the writing, might be the slow fake fighting.

Really wanted to like this.

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Half way into the episode and already loving it more than Flash and Arrow. Was so hyped for this and boy it did not disappoint me.
Loved that bar fight. Rory, Snart and Sara are so badass.
Professor Albus being Chay-Ara and Khufu's son. Did not expect that.
Loved the pilot. This show is gonna be great :D

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the woman power is what makes it waaaay better and more interesting than other DC shows

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Good except for the Darth Vader reference in 1975... two years too early. Attention to detail please.

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Unwatchable, dumb, a big disappointment.
Movie industry just reached it's bottom of quality with this piece.

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Frankly, I wasn't much impressed. It's like a team of anti-heroes. I understand the reason given for choosing these characters, I still didn't feel the rush with the pilot. Will probably wait out for a couple more episodes to decide if it's worth my time, or not.

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I had a feeling this is going to be either a pile of shit or something great. For me it's definitely the latter. I thoroughly enjoyed this pilot, and I bet the best things about this spin-off are still in store. I'm actually interested in all characters and not annoyed by anyone, which came as a surprise to me considering I wasn't a big fan of hawkpeople, but this episode definitely made everyone look compelling and relatable. I feared some good old over-the-top cheese and flat jokes, but for me everything was just the right amount and was played out very smoothly. Honestly, the only problem I have with this episode is that it went so fast, I was engrossed in every minute of it and really wanted it to last longer. Can't wait to see more.

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I just became an instant fanboy of this.

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If you like the Flash and Arrow; then there's no reason not to like Legends of Tomorrow as well. Time travel and superheroes is definitely a good combination.
The show is fun and exciting.

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This episode looks absolutely awesome. Can't wait to watch it!!!

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Decent pilot, cameos from Steven amell and whoever plays laurel. Katie Cassidy? I think its Katie Cassidy. It’s not too over dramatic yet like all the other shows (ok maybe a little) and we get Rory from doctor who as a time master which is awesome. It’s kinda lighthearted/ upbeat ish which is good, taking some ok characters and making them good characters, except Kendra and whatever hawk mans name is, I dislike them. I’m watching the shows in order of release date so one episode of flash, arrow, legends, supergirl and then repeat. On episode 142. Legends is probably so far one of my favourites at the moment since season 4 of arrow isn’t great.

“We go out for one lousy drink and you guys manage to pick a fight with boba fett” I assume smart said that coz he’s a bounty hunter, but also he didn’t know that yet so quite a good guess.

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Ohhhkayyy, this will be a tough one for me to stick with.

It has my least favorite two morons now appearing on a regular basis, and the rest of the characters aren't really appealing to me, yet. But I like the concept with time travel, althought I am sure they will stumble over a lot of the physics involved. Well, it's a TV show. It's all theoretical anyway.

And I don't like having an immortal villain because all it does it creates situations were they face up against him only to loose, up to the point were we will reach the end of the show and than they will defeat him. So, you basically know how their confrontations will turn out. And I don't like the way the actor speaks, which is either intentional to give something extra to the character. In which case it sounds ridicolous. Or it is his normal way to speak and he can't help it.

Anyway, first episode - I might be proven wrong.

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FOR REAL? What a lame show!

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This was a much better start than I expected it to be. I honestly thought it would be a disappointment (I'm not a fan of the other DC superhero shows, but I had to at least give this one a try) and because of all the bad reviews, but I think this episode was highly entertaining.

Maybe I'm just easy to please, but I really liked it.

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I actually started to see this for Sara and Ray, but this episode was so very good.

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After so many bad reviews, I've watched it and really liked it!

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With Arrow slowly turning into a disappointment, Flash already being it, I'm hopping DC's Legends of Tomorrow is the one who saves DCU and transmites their truly greatness.
Looks promising!!!

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Shout by vanilla_chief

"Time Travel is nothing you want to do standing up" If that wasn't a nudge towards Doctor Who

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Shout by Deleted

Wow! This pilot was a positive disappointment.

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Liked it, not loved it. The dialogues were as cheesy as someone trying to convice another to become a hero usually is. But if it has time travel, I can get on board with it. I'm a bit worried however with how they're going to manage with so many characters together...I'll give it a chance.

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The That '70s Show reference though! :P

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Much better than I expected, nicely set up , looking forward to the rest of the series now !

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Same thing I said when I first saw the trailer - this is ambitious. If they pull it off it should be an interesting ride though.
White Canary, Cpt Cold and Heatwave are pretty awesome and I just love listening to Ray speak.
I can't put my finger on why but I just don't like Hawkman. Him and Rip are probably the weakest thing about this show. Oh and the voice/dialogue for the computer. Just doesn't sit right.
This is the pilot through so hopefully they've smoothed out some of these niggles before the rest.

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So great! Couldn't help thinking of Doctor Who with the intro.

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Not good so much as amusing.

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I'm quite looking forward to this show. It has a lot of potential.

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So far it has not started badly, we will continue watching to see that such

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this is cheesy af but um hells yea

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Awww shit. This is gonna be an awesome show.

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So is this a different timeline? I thought savage was turn to ash in Arrow.

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OMG! What a first episode! I love it!!!

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Awesome show. It has that movie feel to it!

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For almost 4 years I've loved Arrow more than any other show out there. Not even The Flash with its season 1 finale could take that place. It literally took less than half this episode to make LoT my new favourite show

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Spin off of the flash, can't wait.

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I can't wait for this series.

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Shout by Deleted

This looks so damn awesome

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