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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 2022


Shout by EremesNG
BlockedParent2022-09-16T02:48:13Z— updated 2022-09-19T23:13:27Z

Good characters, good music, the art style reminded me FLCL, the show on certain occasions I felt the essence of Cowboy Bebop... amazing.

Is the show made for young people? Like 90% of anime, with protagonists around 16 years old.

On the other hand, I had no idea that this anime was being developed, therefore I never expected what other kids expected, some kind of prequel to the videogame, I love that they didn't, they make you feel that your story in the videogame is not special, there were others before you and there will be others after you... a living city, night city.

There is no Johnny Silverhand here, thank god... that already adds a point to the show

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The soundtrack absolutely fucking slaps.

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I don't really watch anime. Not my style, but this was a pleasant surprise and very fun but also emotional..

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If I was still in junior high, I probably would have enjoyed this show a lot more.

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This was far better than I had expected going into it. The show has you on the edge of your seat almost the entire way through til it’s conclusion. Of which I think it’s very important to note, that this series very much concludes. There will not be a true “sequel” other than the actually Cyberpunk game itself. This show was short and sweet; although the series was anything but sweet. Any bits of happy and touching moments were like a beautiful stained glass mirror, right before being shattered by the harsh realities of night city.

This show was not as polished as Netflix’s hit Anime based on League of Legends (Arcane), but the action and climax was just as intense. The only thing lacking in the show, was a bit more character development, and variety of how the development was portrayed. The series fell into a habit of only adding more flavor to the characters through backstories which made characters feel as if they were simply made of “back then”, a big event happens, and then “now” as opposed to a flowing timeline of experiences.

All things considered, a very good experience, short as it was.

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It could have been better if it had more episodes. Everything happens too fast. There is no time to delve into the plot, the characters, their internal conflicts and their relationships. I was left with a bitter aftertaste after the ending. Hungry to explore the fascinating world of cyberpunk, human relationships in a world where little is left of human, one is left only with a sense of incompleteness, of superficiality. You feel that there is the potential for a deep story but the whole thing is only barely touched.

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Shout by Pro Evo
BlockedParent2022-09-13T16:47:46Z— updated 2022-09-22T09:34:03Z

:joy:This show is deffo made for kids ....

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its for kids...

wish they had adapted the older main chars from the game for the anime.. they did not

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extremely overrated imo
the story is weak and doesn't make sense at all at certain times.

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Bad story, bad character background explained, everyone dies and I don't give a f*ck !

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The characters, music, art style and fight scenes were all pretty good in my opinion and even the storyline was richer and deeper than I expected. I didn't really know what to expect at first but I ended really enjoying this anime. Might not be for everyone but give it a chance, I think it's a hidden gem.

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I don't see what this hype is about. It's too short to get attached to the characters and the story is highly forgettable. Nice visuals, though.

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The show is as disappointing as the game.

The story is generic. The main character gets a superpower after a tragedy.

That superpower is normally overpowered, but because the person that happened to find it just happens to be super special for no reason at all he makes the overpowered superpower even more overpowered.

The 4 hours you spend watching this could be better spent watching almost anything else.

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Shout by :)
BlockedParent2023-11-22T19:45:19Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:25:57Z

The concept is okay, but the main character is so annyoing and the background characters are not that great either. And on top of that you have a lot of fan service. Overall it's just meh.

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I feel like the final few episodes is when it really starts to get fantastic, but everything before that is pretty good too. Also, I still can’t listen to that song after watching this show. You KNOW the one I’m talking about …

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In what way is this a kids show? What sort of psycho shit did you guys watch growing up?

The show was great. Makes you realize that the story in the video game isn't anything special. Just a story in a living vibrant city full of... Well psychos.

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PERFECT story and art. like amazing emotional roller coaster and the MUSIC WOW

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This show is good but very sad in an existential way. A short, violent story about a kid who gets involved with mercenaries. Most everyone dies and nothing is changed. A small, insignificant story within the city, another legend for newcomers. And Lucy and Falco are the only ones who will remember those who were lost..

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A little bit too violence for me.

There're a few plots that I felt like doesn't make sense. Maybe it's because there're not enough episodes to explain everything. I don't know.

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The series got off to a good start, introducing characters and NC....but then ended predictably. It was almost a joke....everything leads to Cyberpsychosis. After playing the same and watching this series, I realized that I don't really enjoy world and character building it is wafer-thin. once you scratch the surface there is not much underneath....all themes and stories are rehashed......

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Brutal, good, very good. If you love the game, you'll love the show!!

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So they went "Rogue Squadron" ending. Ugh.

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Have you ever had post-Anime syndrome? Then good luck getting over this one. A story so great and thought-through it will leave you empty afterwards.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners has one of the best stories of all time. Wonderful pacing, energising music. It's right up there with arcane and feels like Redline.

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Such a terrible ending for an otherwise great show. Awful use of a character inside the crew to backstab them. All for what? Money? Made no sense, the crew was making tons. Almost a GOT-level decision.

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Complements the video game nicely, but also just a great anime by itself. Was not a fan of the time skip in episode 6-7 tho. I feel like it glossed over a lot of development.

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Cyberpunk notes and commentary

Arasaka corp
Night city
Cromarse , ponerse implantes

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was mid at first then got interesting...also broke my heart but I moved on kind of quick... not my type but really good (8.5)

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nothing was ever the same, after watching ER//

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Pretty solid show overall. The art style made fights confusing at times but I learned to look past it. The nudity surprisingly worked in the context and the ending was a little sad, all things considered.

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Shout by Guilherme Tavares
BlockedParent2023-07-14T00:47:12Z— updated 2023-07-15T14:13:30Z

I'm surprised, this series was top rated on several sites and critics - and I agree with everyone. But, what's not to like? The series has a wonderful production, huge investment and an almost perfect team. The result is clear. Although I don't identify so much with the theme, I really liked the romance and the characters. The only flaw for me is that the plot ran a little too fast towards the end to end the series in a rough way that screwed up the ending ( Adam Smasher is too much ex-machina). Fortunately, it didn't bother me and on top of that I have a taste of wanting more...

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I am not a regular "Anime" Guy but this is by far the best entry into the genre I could possibly ask for I guess. As a general Cyperpunk Pen and Paper Fan from back in the 90ties I was happy to see a game brought into my current gaming life. Was a medicore experience at first but this series brought everything back in line. I even pumping hours into the game again. The pure anime style here is also very addictive to me know. Overall 100% suggested to have to binged thru in no time!

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Shout by Deleted

I’m not a fan of this kind of production, but to be fair this was impressive, the whole cyberpunk atmosphere.

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This was phenomenal, continuing the recent trend of having amazing animated shows based on video game series.

As a huge fan of Cyberpunk 2077 and cyberpunk culture in general (Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, Mirrorshades, Tokyo Ghost), this absolutely nailed so many aspects of the Cyberpunk universe that the game glossed over or only lightly touched. Amazing visuals and animations, great voice cast, solid story and world-building on top of what had already been done.

Showing a human side of cyber mods leading to psychosis is something the game completely missed.
If you enjoy cyberpunk and anime, this should land for you.

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Glad I picked it back uk after leaving it at mid ep4. How the heck did I leave it off right at the second before the plot starts picking up?? Lol. Ep5 till ending was one whole breathtaking climax. No particular attachment to the characters but they feel so real, the feelings and their choices. When you ace characterisation and the action scenes it’s just so good. Everyone will remember David, and David will remember everyone. My moon, my girl.

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I actually had low expectations for this, but it ended up being one of the best anime and series in general. Keep in mind that it can tear you apart.

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Coming off of Arcane which was an amazing show based on a video game, Netflix does it again with another tragic and emotional story based on the game Cyberpunk. While it takes a while for the story to get going, my friends and I were completely engaged in what was happening by the second half of the show.

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Cyberpunk 2077 universe, colors, music, characters, but no spirit, no intelligent anime aura, brainwashed over-americanised dumb brutal empty-shell toon.
Nothing compared to the game I love.

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Personally don't like tragic endings . It's fine enough, but disappointing ending for a one off.

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badass character, animation and action

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Dropped after the first episode. The subtitles are absolute garbage. Tried to watch the English dub but the pacing the dialogue is way off even though the voice actors are very good.

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What a blast it was. Crazy actions, badass characters with stunning art style. Much better than expected. Next up, #Arcane.

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"Cyberpunk: The importance of having mental health in a dystopian world"

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This is a cartoon only for kids, just the same like that people-killing-spree-stealing-cars-and-cyber-shit-is-awesome video game

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Pacing is an issue for sure and I wish they'd gone for a 12 - 24 episode cour; regardless, this series enveloped me like no other. I felt part of this crew up until the very end, and the emotional sting of the final shot was palpable. You've achieved your goal Edgerunners, I'm currently reinstalling my copy of CP:2077 as I type this. Great show that is a visual and audible assault on the senses thanks to Trigger and the insanely good soundtrack. If you have even a passing interest, give this a whirl.

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Expected nothing and got an amazing trip of pure Cyberpunk with all in on everything. Love it!

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Shout by V

When the series was starting to be great at the end David dies why the hell? If I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't have looked, others only think about death.

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A good watch. One of the best anime this year. It has a feeling of FLCL, Kill la Kill, Redline and some Cowboy bebop towards the later episodes. Some of the dialogue came off as corny but, animation, script, soundtrack and voice acting were top tier. This show had a lot of heart,and was a good surprise.

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