What the frakkin' hell????? I'm seriously more depressed than Reid right now.

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A bird watcher. That's the best they could come up with. A bird watcher murdered Gideon. After 8 years this is what they give us. A bird watching murderer.

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Oh man, did not expect them to bring Gideon back like this… but the actors they cast as young Gideon and Rossi were great choices!

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what a boring ass episode!

Bird watcher guy was boring and I don't why they "brought Gideon back" -and I put in quotations cause not really- only to kill him? What for? And we never even see his face, I understand the logistics that they couldn't get the actor back but then just don't do any of this at all! It's not like a good episode came out of it anyway :neutral_face:

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