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Cowboy Bebop 2021

When the story is focused on the crew of the Bebop chasing bounties, it’s an absolute delight. I would love more episodes of this. I only have one complaint: Spike’s sorrow from the anime doesn’t translate. All in all, I had a blast watching it and find myself wanting more bounty hunting.

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Shout by Quantem
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-11-20T05:09:22Z— updated 2021-11-27T05:24:35Z

It's ok for a live-action remake if you don't expect it to be good. Since the live-action is not proper to its original, I guess this is an alternative. The fight scenes are a bit off, the dialogue between characters is wacky, the casting is a bit of a problem for Faye and Jet but casting "John Cho" was a perfect idea, and the art and the special effects are outstanding at best. There are some problems with the alternative cowboy bebop through with the theme of it. The original was darker and more depressing than the live-action. The anime consists of loneliness, corruption, destruction, and most parts relating to the modern aspect in 1998. While the live-action version is more child-friendly with the bebop crew being less aggressive and plays the bounty game like "Hungry Hungry Hippo." idk why Julia is introduced too soon into the series.
live-action series is a bad idea. idk why people still do it. I think it will actually be better using CGI like "The Adventures of Tintin" or 3DCG like "Lupin III: The First."

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Shout by Eren Jäger
BlockedParent2021-11-26T23:28:38Z— updated 2022-01-09T09:48:20Z

This is a very unpopular opinion but I really like this series. You could see how much effort they put into it, not only musically but also cinematography. The camera shots were distinctive, outstanding fight choreography and funny dialogues. I know many people would disagree with me since it wasn't purely accurate to the anime... But you have to think of this: If it was a full copy of the Anime, it would be quite boring. Besides, not everything that is animated you can shoot on screen. People always neglect that! Therefore, you have to consider this series as separate from the Anime, then you can probably enjoy it.

For me, I enjoyed it a lot and hope they make a second season despite of the stigma

Edit: Unfortuneately, the second season got cancelled. But there is also a petition for it. So if you want more of Cowboy Bebop, you can support them on the following link:

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  • I did not watch the original anime in full, just know it in general here and there. So i do not know whats the difference (story/characteristic wise) from the original

  • this series is actually fun to watch.hooked on each episode never bored. The pacing is good.

  • each of em are likeable, memorable and have great chemistry. Light/heavy moments are balanced.

  • neat and on point production value of the world inside it. The steampunk scifi visuals and jazz soundtracks are conveyed well. Made me want to watch the original

  • main weakness is the hand to hand combat sequence. Too tacky, memorized and slow. Quite awkward to watch. Need improvement. Also a need abit more action sequences to spice it up.

  • also the guy who plays Vicious the main villain tries too hard to be vicious but his face is like a comedian. I cant take him seriously. Kinda looks like Dr.House too.

  • 7.5/10

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It's like they didn't bother to watch the source material.

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Dutch angled, Shallow focused, Room Spaced, Messy Trash.
Vicious's subplot is patetic and Julia is ruined. an amateurish parody of the original. bleah!

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It's better than expected (from Netflix) I thought Cho would be a miscast, he's not. Sadly Faye is.

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this was so bad but i expected it would be worse

see you space cowboy...

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I was afraid the series would be bad, but it turned out okay

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It’s a good show till you get to the end. And it’s like what the fuck kind of stupid ass ending was that. Looks like the show got COVID towards the end. Can’t think of any other reason for that horrible ending.

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It's a really good show.
Unfortunately allot of fanboys come in with unrealistic expectations.

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Honestly, I'm disappointed that the show has been cancelled already.

Yes, it might miss quite a lot of the themes and tones of the original anime (which I only saw for the first time a few days before this LA one - 10/10 tough). But I do think if you stop comparing it this show is quite a entertaining watch on it's own (well, except for the ending where they badly try to set up a second season which we now already know won't happen).

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And…’s canceled before I had a chance to even watch it. Yeah, Netflix blows. Probably will do the same with the Last Airbender live action show.

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PLEASE STILL DO A SEASON 2. (Without Ed or at least a brown one) It is so rare. Unheard of even for an american live action to be better than the anime. This is truly a gift. Faye was constantly sexualized and useless in the anime even when unconcious so they made her gay and useful. That mess from the anime turned into a canon trans char played by a real trans person that doesnt die. Julia is an actual char and gets a better ending. Like not sorry if you hate this version because it was made specifically for me. Making Jet a dad and changing monkey disease to deadly premonition and all. Please im begging you

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I hate Netflix cancelled this after one season. It showed so much promise. You can’t make live action scene by scene from the original anime but this show was awesome. Maybe someone will rekindle it in the future.

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Perhaps those who have seen the anime will judge this series severely, but in my opinion it is a serious mistake. If you look at it without making comparisons, it is a beautiful steampunk series, with characters of great depth, excellent acting, the right balance between violence and irony. The series takes off in a decisive way when Faye officially becomes part of the Cowboy Bebop, they become a family. And the finale, magnificent, very hard, bitter, a worthy conclusion to a superb show.

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I've taken my time watching it and I enjoyed most of it for what it is. It's only from episode 8 onwards that I think it's disappointing. In hindsight, the storyline with Vicious and Julia never really fit with the tone they set for the main story - which is the part I have little to no notes on, mostly about soundtrack and general pacing. Perhaps the best move would have been to delay the introduction of those characters, maybe even most of the Syndicate storyline (aluding to it here and there instead) and focus on our main cast. Then if that show was renewed they could have come up with a way to merge these storylines, along with Radical Edward... Oh well, it was fun nonetheless.

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Please be good... Please be good
... Sadly it's Netflix...

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A 1 already? Haters gonna hate i guess....

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It's not a great show, but still watchable. I didn't like the Anime, too long for me and I didn't finish it. I like this show because, all the character are not all white as in the anime, the main cast is acting good. The only character not well played is vicious, he remind me Anakin Skywalker played by Hayden Christiansen : BAD OVERACTING !

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It’s a very toned down reimagining of the originals much heavier and layered tone. My biggest complaint would be how much of the bulk of what made Grens story in the original animated series so impactful was stripped. Even Viscious as a character was pretty stripped down from the source material along with it the story between he and Spike.

I’d still say it’s worth the watch and a great way to dip your toes into the Cowboy Bebop universe if you have never seen the Source Material. Definitely still entertaining with some cool callbacks and nods.

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Haven't watched the anime, have no real desire too. If you're like me and enjoy a slick, fantasy scifi with a lot of humour you'll probably enjoy this. Shame it's not cut it for fans of the original and we're not getting a follow up live actions.

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what I only just realised this was cancelled what the fuck :(

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It’s very disappointing we’re not getting a season two

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I like the original anime veeery much. Not as fanatic as most hardcore fanboys. Most likely the reason why I appreciate this adaption here alot. Very good atmosphere, attention to detail and good cast as well. Give it an unbiased try!

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A poor imitation of David Lynch's steampunk style

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Did I like this series? Obviously, I did, but it could have been better. The stylization should have been better. The visuals are OK, but just OK. Visually there's really nothing that sets it apart from any other Syfy show in space.

If only the actual series had employed the style of the proof of concept teaser "Cowboy Bebop: The Lost Session". Now THAT would have been awesome.

For me there might have been a little too many backstory episodes - I think all the backstories could have been done a little quicker.
But overall, I did enjoy the show and am looking forward to a new season....

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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