Would've been better if I hadn't seen this episode in sneak previews throughout the first half of the show

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I swear to God just say one more time Mommy/Momma/Mother

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loved ep 1-5 but beyond that it’s a stifled slog. yes the acting is great but solid performances can’t obscure how thin the actual story is. plus the need to rehash every other episode from varying perspectives has gotten super old. seriously. who do i have to pay for a reveal of something new and exciting? im hoping the finale changes my mind but as of episode 7, this series could have been a movie.

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One more to go. My brain hurts so much.

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Alice! Mamma! Mamma! Alice! Mamma! Alice! Alice! Mamma!... after the 50th time is was beyond annoying up to the point to slightly irritate to be honest.

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Tiring plot. I think the theme is good, but they made it so tiring and boring, it's a shame.

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Finally, a genuinely good episode, neatly starting to tie everything up! It only took six of them to get here. Now, this is how I like to get my brain properly f*cked!

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Another wild one! Definitely put more pieces from the previous episodes together and to see how they all tie up was so nice.

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What a nice episode ! This is so crazy !

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It started fine. But the last couple episodes have dragged. Yes we get, or got the concept by the end of the episode 4 or 5.

I like slow burn stories but this one is to the point of someone blowing on the embers to keep a spark going.

If there's talk of a season 2, I won't be around for it.

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Wow even though a lot happened (finally) I still felt like this episode was a bit of a chore to get through. Like a video game fetch quest that forces you to go back and forth between places you already visited. Back and forth. Back and forth. Oh and back and forth again. One more time, back and forth.

I also did not like how they kind of just threw away all the quantum logic they had built up. Now it's all magical and anything can happen.

The Schrödinger's cat thing was a little bit on the nose, but I'm sure the quantum nerds loved it.

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That’s one mixed up episode right there.

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