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Constellation 2024

Wow, just Wow, what a visual effect. Great story, Great play.

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Having watched all the first season, can't say I'll miss it much. The show had this unique quality of keeping you at the edge of annoyance.

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good first episode .. now we see

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"Did Schrodinger's cat write the plot?" is the first question that comes to my mind while watching this show.

Typically, stories have plot holes and paradoxes that are either intentionally left open for future seasons or unintentionally created because of lazy writing. However, in a quantum world, paradoxes are the plot and plot holes make the story, and the audience is expected to keep up with this unnecessarily and overly convoluted ride, hoping that the creators will come to it and close the loop before the network wakes up cancels the show.

I hate science fiction shows that take up more than they can chew and create quantum worlds that are both utopian and dystopian at the same time... in their eagerness to create paradoxes and oxymorons... they only reveal themselves to be absolute morons...

Brilliant actors, but like I said, the plot and the speed of narration means I won't be too surprised if the show gets cancelled before the showrunners make a point.

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Looks promising, 3 episodes in. The child annoys me every time she says 'mummy', but well it's a child so... Don't know, could be good if they keep it up.

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Amazing show! I was going to watch the first episode but ended up watching the 3 apple premiered. The visuals are amazing, the acting is great, the story is clever. Let’s just hope they close it well. Watch this episodes on apple or from a quality source, the visuals and effects are great.

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Shout by scooby snack
BlockedParent2024-03-02T09:36:33Z— updated 2024-03-22T19:12:37Z

i think they blew the budget on the first three episodes where the location is the ISS and the design is simply spectacular. the rest of the episodes seem to be fairly wordy (and Earthbound) with a view to gradually solving the 'mystery'. if you know anything about Quantum theory then this is the show for you. otherwise you will be scratching your head! either way a show centering on Quantum theory seems an unlikely choice of subject matter and may prove to be ultimately unentertaining. The lead Noomi Rapace's acting seems noticeably wooden and more than a little annoying.

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This show is so slow!!! Nothing much happens after 3 episodes.

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Started ok, but went down sooo fast. No reasonable explanation because probably they didn't have one from the beginning, just leave it all as ok space bad space can have parallels.
Not worth the time

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Was very interesting until about the 4th episode then it slows to a crawl with the main characters becoming tedious. The sci Fi part is solid. The "mummy?!?" Over and over is not. Ditch the family and focus on Caldera for S2 might salvage this. Just watched the finale and got nothing. Ya know how when you finish a season of a great show and you're eagerly anticipating the next season? This ain't that.

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This show is some kind of a bizarre psychology experiment. How many times can they write in one of

  • Mummy!
  • Alice!
  • Mamma!

before the audience kill themselves?

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It started off well. The cgi could have been a lot better, same with the dialogue and acting. It's the type where you can't tell if it's good or bad, but it doesn't feel right. The story quickly became an infinite loop with no answers, just a pile of unanswered questions. Episode by episode I lost more and more interest. It's forgetful and overcomplicated. Apple is going in the same direction as Netflix, Disney, etc. with quantity over quality. It's almost never substance and story. Instead, it's one and not the other. MumMy? mUmMy? MumMy? MuMmY? I don't even want to watch the finale.

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Welp….. I do love a good paradox. I’m frustratingly happy.

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They usually cancel these kinds of shows, don't they??

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Shout by JR
BlockedParent2024-02-26T07:15:05Z— updated 2024-03-22T08:56:04Z

Honestly, I’ll probably finish it because it has amazing graphics, really good acting, and pretty decent story plot. But I’ve had to fast forward through more than I should have to, 5 minutes listening to her record a good bye speech to her daughter, really?!?

Also, the way they are setting up that there are 2 earths, or timelines, or multiverses, or whatever the “twist” is going to be is not going to be a shock at all, because they are already showing duplicate people, is just so slow and drawn out and not even in a clever way. At least they could have done it in a way that blindsided us, then they could’ve cut some of the scenes and sped it all up.

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Finding it weird tract seems to be actively hiding the comment button from me right now, but yeah I found this series boring as hell and didn't finish i
Even the first season.

Honestly just boring as hell.

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I liked it! It’s definitely one of the very few Apple TV shows I liked to watch. It’s not a 10/10 but decent.

A bummer that we don’t get a second season.

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First impressions: Everything is turned up to eleven, from overacting to drama to heroism to lighting to contrast to vaseline-on-the-lens post production filters to vignetting and there is something weird going on with the sound as well like everything is compressed into a brick wall of harsh breathing noises and synth soundtrack. Halfway into the first episode and I'm exhausted and not in a good way.

Uh, okay. Min-maxing keeps going into pseudoscientific drivel and quasi deep existentialism. This show is not for me.

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Shout by Kenneth Sundby
BlockedParent2024-04-04T14:42:48Z— updated 2024-04-05T20:30:02Z

I like the show, but you have to be ready to sit through some lazy timeline editing to "increase the tension and mystery". It is completely unnecessary when you have a good story, I don't understand why they did that.

I hope they get another season, but if they do they need to work on the pacing. The audience were mostly waiting for the episodes to catch up to what we already knew, and by the time that they do the episodes become frustratingly tedious.

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Shout by Schmoogie

Constellation - :heart:x7

This was a pretty decent sci-fi movie. It was a little slow in places. At times it was a little hard to follow - who was who and which reality we were in. But overall, a solid show. A second season would be welcome.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Another mediocre sci-fi drama with a great soundtrack.

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Personally, I really enjoyed the show. No matter what you think of the story, you have to admit that the acting is quite good.

The written dialog and dramatic performances are light years ahead of other mystery series like the comically abysmal La Brea.

While this season might not be equal in plot to Severance, I feel the acting is on par with that show.

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This seems like reinterpretation of the great series „Infiniti”

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I rated 2 for Noomi Rapace who did a very good acting job... By my God, for the remaining part of this show, it's completely rubbish from top to bottom!!!! What a waste of time... As usual with Apple productions, always the same feelings of damaged goods.

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One thing is for sure, Alice creeps me out.

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Started off great and very exciting but quickly goes back to a normal low budget tv show based on earth with some kind of parallel universe mystery thing going on. Slow and boring.

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